Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Bad hygiene & when they play you ♡
Heyy ♥, school is going good hope yours is to!! , looking forward to see you again :)
If I knew who this was I could answer
Britney, Declan, Liam, Mikayla, Jennay, Teagan, Joshua, that's pretty much it..
Benoni High???
Not at all , I might miss α few of the people but I hated that school with α passion ♡
No problem Mikky but only if you do the same;)♡ , I loooooovvvvveeeeee yyyyyooooouuuuu to the moon & back sweetheart , don't wanna lose you again, stay beautiful & the amazing girl you are ♥♥
There is no James & I !!!!!!!!! ♥
Melissa♥, Alwande♡, Portia♥, Olwethu♡
Haha_Im_Not_Sure !!Donno!! x_x
Nothing can make me like you.. Its just when I'm around you how you make me feel & if I can be myself around you is what really matters..
Ahhh I don't think I'm the top **** okay!! I just haven't been In contact with α lot of people, & maybe we not so close anymore because I'm not making the effort anymore & you can't keep up with it, don't call me α snob because jealousy makes you nasty so keep your comments to yourself...
That's α stupid question , & mostly my friends know so if your not my friend you wouldn't know him
probably school we should all be automatically smart and have jobs, ahhhh CANCER, ummm all crawling things like insects ewwww I hate those!! & most defiantly "him" ♥
Because I have better things to do than sit on my phone all day ♥
I don't watch it so I wouldn't know ..
School starting..
Why so interested? I'm not announcing it on, so bbm me & maybe ill tell you ♥
Than'Q love, had fun with you too ♥
Ping me & maybe ill tell you..
I never see him, & no I wouldn't
Heyy Josh, your right wonderland was amazing can't wait to see you again love, thank you for the ♡ xx
Haha Hey Porsh of course I'm not ready for school, but who is, those boys are ganna kill it for us ♥..
I'd love to, & to see all of you guys, ganna be amazing ♥..
That ended in like gr5
Not being mean but I regret everything I said about him
Friends & family xxx
Than'Q for all those compliments?
Haha nice try I know it isn't him & we were never dating anyway..
Well I don't see them making an effort to speak to me?
Depends on who this is?
Hey Porsh, I'm ganna miss you to, stay amazing love <3..
Same to your buddy..
Heyya, you too ay, lots of love for you my sista ♥xx
Depends on who this is?
It was so looooong ago I can't even remember?
There attitudes, & no sense of humor ..
Look I don't care what you say, Ben is α good guy & he stays loyal to 1 girl & at this moment that girl is me, no matter what you say it isn't ganna change things between Ben & I, so stop trying to brake me down & **** cause it ain't working, bye now:)
Why is that important??
STOP calling me sweety , I don't like you!!
1) Food:G 2)Music :] 3)Friends x_x
I didn't actually have α nice day, so mu favorite part was eating food this morning(y)..
Yeah, okay!!
Thanx but no thanx..
& I'm α bowl of chips, are we done here??
Haha okay cool..
Firstly no1 is taking advantage on me, yeah what they say is sweet & makes me smile but I'm not falling for any of then because half the time I don't even know who it is, you might be right they probably don't know what love is but least they trying to understand, & stop lying about your age I don't have any1 on bbm that has finished school so stop pretending to be some1 your not because darling you ain't fooling anyone...
That's very touching, Than'Q again ey<3 xx
Awwwww, that's really sweet, thank you for that means α lot to me.. #DayMade!!
Ummmm IDK, maybe if I saw myself as "Hot" I could tell you :]
Heyy, no worries about it maan, **** happens but life goes on<3 xx
Eating Fooooooood :G<3..
No & never will!!
lol thank you, you too!!
No ways, I like α guy in gr9..
My pleasure<3
Hey Morgan, the past in the past & half of it wasn't you anyway, thank you for the message anyway, we can start new<3xx
Haha, right back at you, & don't worry your Boyfriends won't cheat on you ;) love you loads<3
Actually I know its not the person I like because the person I like isn't speaking to me right now..
Texting & drinking Energade <3
Not understanding what your saying, if your asking who I'm crying over the answer is #No1, if your asking about my status its just α song :]
Lol #Randomness!!
No you've got it all wrong I know I don't know everything , but if some1 says something & I know its wrong or its not true I'm ganna correct them weather or not they like it..
Bet you couldn't say that to my face
I got to Benoni high, & who do I like?? Well wouldn't you like to know :p
Ummmm?? Ping me please xx
Why thank you very much :*
Can't even remember O.O
As much as someone is willing to give me xx
I don't have twitter anymore, I forgot my password x_x
Yeah but don't use it :]
No one come to mind
°̩ don't care about you...
°̩ wish °̩ could say
There is so many:( brings back so much memories</3
Thank you α mill Jordz means a lot especially coming from you:)..
That lσνε is over rated & its better if you don't get involved because you'll jυst get your heart brσkεn..°̩ learned that the hard way
What you mean??I'm not understanding
You go tσ "Heaven" but most of the people °̩ knσω will be going tσ "Hell" (y)..
°̩ already knew °̩ was α *****(y)..& °̩ can at least loose weight but unfortunately you'll always be stuck with that face;)
Iv kissed 2 & °̩ regret it(y)..
He's my brother(y)
Ey Rea bra I'm really tell me now
Its AIDEN & yes
Ping me & maybe ill tell you(y)
Not tσ sure actually...
It was Aiden, Calvin, Declan & Chad(y)
Thanx bro you very very special tσ me..°̩ don't knσω what °̩ would do without you...°̩ lσνε you loads<3
Umm okay...who is this??
°̩ could tell you my top 5(y)
Life is α chance tσ live...& tσ seek out who you really are & make your dreams α reality....for me °̩ have failed in life..