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Jess Land


Ask me anything you like anonymously

680 Replies

your gay

So are you

Jess.Land replied 3420 days ago

What could you talk about forever?


Jess.Land replied 3421 days ago

Last person who annoyed you and why

Not something I want to share sorry

Jess.Land replied 3426 days ago

You are an amazing rider

Thank you :) fb your lovely! Need more people like you round x

Jess.Land replied 3427 days ago

do you like her riding you're horses?

I don't mind! She rides really well and does a good job! One of the few people I would trust on them. I just prefer riding them myself so I know exactly what point there at and how there feeling etc :)

Jess.Land replied 3427 days ago

do you ride all your horses by yourself? how many do you have in work?

Most of them Nat occasionally rides a couple but I try to ride them all myself :) I have 11 that I need to have in work ATM but just taking it a wee bit easy at the moment as fractured my shoulder 5 weeks ago so just allowed to start riding again :)

Jess.Land replied 3427 days ago

what are you thankful for

Everything! I'm the luckiest person out

Jess.Land replied 3427 days ago

how do you gather sollys worth that much? He hardly is he hasn't competed to any kind of high level whatsoever. Think your dreaming just a little.

I've had 4 offers at that and above hahaha I can dream all I like :D

Jess.Land replied 3428 days ago

What was your dream yesterday?

Ride at badminton horse trials

Jess.Land replied 3432 days ago

thank you so much! :) I just don't think my parents are going to give me any financial backing so I will have to have an evening job on top of a working pupil role or something so I can afford to live hahaha

Yea haha a lot of working pupils get food and accomidation in return for work etc so try find something like that :)

Jess.Land replied 3433 days ago

how did you go about starting your work with horses? I really want to make a living from riding next year, but I'm not sure quite where to start going about it... :/

I went and took a few working pupil positions with people who had done it before and I have an instructor who I work really closely with who helps me out when I'm feeling stuck she's great! The easiest way is to have a plan of exactly what you need to achieve to make it work etc feel free to flick me a fb message or text :) happy to give you a hand

Jess.Land replied 3434 days ago

do you manage to make a profit with the work you do with horses? (not in a rude way, just out of interest)

Yes I do :) I'm paying the bills myself

Jess.Land replied 3438 days ago

how much do you reckon sollys worth if you were to sell him right now?

I've been made offers round 25k for him but he's not for sale so I don't need to think about a price for him anyway! If someone wants him that badly they will have to name a price I can't refuse.

Jess.Land replied 3441 days ago

Money or Loyalty ?


Jess.Land replied 3448 days ago

iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?


Jess.Land replied 3453 days ago