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No, go away
Go away
No thanks
Joshua, my son Angus, music, reading and Netflix basically
I actually haven't seen many movies, so I can't actually say.
Watching Netflix, mostly. Haha
Ruining my relationship with my dad.
Other day
As in what? Favourite doctor or favourite companion or favourite character out of all the series I've seen? Hahah.
I don't know why won't you tell me who you are? :)
My friends, josh and my family
I don't even know tbh. I just want enough money to live and have the essentials on my life.
Well my thoughts on you are that you're an amazing girl, so sweet and caring. I've never met a girl so kind and full of hope with everything, it's a joy to be around you and I'm glad I saw you last weekend, it was great to catch up! :) x
There's a few, one being seeing the red hot chilli peppers
There's a few people but mainly josh.
Future and past events.
Obviously haha
There's a few
Josh. :)
Basically just follow your heart.
Trusting people so easily.
Do what I want to do now, become a psychologist, or make my own business and become rich or bet all my money and win billions if I could never lose.
Someone who likes doctor who Someone who likes Star Wars Amazing personality and smile. c:
Choice is yours. Keeps me entertained for a while. Haha. Thank you. :)
Well humans are animals so a human and either some sea creature or a monkey. That we can have tails, f***ing tails and swing around! Haha
Depends on how much room they have in the dragons throat, but mostly likely not considering stomachs are full of stomach acid which probably isn't the best thing for you, also, it depends whether they can be really quick. Haha
Why? Yellow, green, red, brown, white
Yes, but I'm not sure who he is.
Well I'd be rich. My personality wouldn't change. I couldn't imagine myself with a different personality, the only thing that would probably be different is the fact that I'd be a bit more happy cause if have every Star Wars and doctor who thing possible.
Yes, because this question is actually solvable. I'm not a scientist.
Not really, But if I was two. I don't have bloody 5 arms. Haha
Idk nor do I even care.
Don't care tbh
i'm probably the biggest loser you'll ever meet.
Chop suey- SOAD Californication- RHCP Somebody told me- The Killers
Most likely.
Well, I just met her, but I guess it's cause she just has such a likeable personality, so bubbly and happy all the time. :)
Because I'm 18? Hahahah. I don't want children just yet and I'm not forcing josh into marrying me, I'll get married one day, but I'm still young and I want to live my life. :)
30 million? God yes, I'll be set for life. :)
Lots of Star Wars things! :3
Wow, what a question. Hahahah
Tbh? No, I want to lose a lot of weight, it's just getting the motivation to do it, and I will do because I know I can.
Firstly, I'm not a man. Secondly, if I'm so annoying why are you talking to me?
Haven't had a break up. Well not a proper one anyways.
My mum, josh, my grandmother, Sean and Caitlyn. There's more people, but you said only 5.
No fcking clue. Go back in time maybe?
Like 4-5 years ago. Yes. Hahah.
Ummm, probably not. Depending on who this is. Haha
Thank you for the compliment. I don't even know who you are though, so...
awwh. who is this? c:
all the time tbh. sometimes, i wish i didn't have to as much, but then again, i'm glad i have a sister. :)
none, if i don't like my friends the way they are than what's the point in being their friend?
Yes, lots of people actually.
Idek It was with josh. Most good days are with josh. :3
Panda or a monkey. :3
No idea. :)
Lots if he could chuck wood. Haha
I don't even know who this is.
it's terrible
Josh? Or Janetzki?
Idk, I do shower.