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Jess Herrmann


Ask me anything you like anonymously

15 Replies

Turk doesn't like you

Turkey loves me

JessHermy replied 3890 days ago

Do you you FREE THE PEE


JessHermy replied 3890 days ago

Thoughts on Bernadette aka Dj B2 :) :P x

Pretty rad girl! You saved Formal!! Wish you were graduating this year though!!!

JessHermy replied 3890 days ago

Who do you love more: Kaity or Kaity?

Sanzo of course

JessHermy replied 3890 days ago

Jessica isn't the *exiest human being alive

I'm guessing this is ***** Horner? And ***** please, you're jealous xx

JessHermy replied 3892 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

Honestly? I don't know who I miss more.

JessHermy replied 4002 days ago

Who are you inviting to ur 18 from school

Not exactly sure what I'm gonna do for my 18th but if I have a dinner thing it will be all of the year 12s and a few year 11s :)

JessHermy replied 4028 days ago

You're a real ***** to some of the girls in year 12
Don't backstab, if you have a problem say it to their face. If you can say it behind your back I'm sure you're 'gain' enough to say it to their face. - smksmk

Ummm first of all I have absolutely no idea what the hell you are talking about. Secondly, if you have a problem with me don't hide behind a computer screen talk to me face to face, or if you can't even do that inbox me.

JessHermy replied 4031 days ago

I miss playing footy with you! and all our good laughs. :) x jfleming10

Missing you two ya name stealer!!!!! So many good times!!!! Xx :)

JessHermy replied 4031 days ago 1

A song they should play at your funeral?

As I lay hear :) Thanks Sarah!?

JessHermy replied 4037 days ago

Out of everyone in the whole world, who do you most admire & why?

Hmm this is a hard one. I admire a number of people for different reasons. Anyone who has been through a lot and kept going, people who are selfless and care for other people even when they themselves are going through a hard time. I admire Cass, Savannah, Nicole, Christy, Kari, Miss G, Tanika and my evil partner in crime because they are amazing and I would trust them with my life. No matter what happens they stand up again and keep on fighting, they always have a smile on their face and will always be there for other people no matter what.

JessHermy replied 4198 days ago

Name a movie that made you or nearly made you to cry?

Lion king... Anything Disney

JessHermy replied 4227 days ago

Thoughts on Nick, Will and Shaun?

Nick is so amazing haha can trust him to organise stuff and work really hard in props!!! It's so much easier having a really reliable person. I don't know Shaun that well Will us a great guy!! Smile more buddy

JessHermy replied 4227 days ago

I no this anint a qst but just wanted to say, your such an amazing person! i love getting to talk to you coz i don't get to see you often!! xx

Thank you!!! Inbox me!!!

JessHermy replied 4230 days ago

Do you get along with teachers easy?
Who are your fav?

Yeah only some teachers. Favorite will have to be Miss G and Miss T

JessHermy replied 4231 days ago