Can you see my username
Are you into dating someone?(Just asking)
Not really
fck youuuuu bish?
Back at ya
Your so hot would bang
u should go live someday
I did today
I kinda like you again and I really like your profile pic
I know who you like :)
I doubt it :)
Who big is your bbc
Which Luca is your x is it luca harris
No he lives in sa
Tall and sporty or short and cute
Don’t really care
What optional do you have next term
art and textiles
Joking ur so pretty
No you
Joking ur a cool kid
fcking ugly
Thank you Zoe
Where are your friends at?
What friends
You are a botch but fcking amazing too!!! -Zoe ????
Ly Zoe
Post your insta dp?
I changed it but I’ll think about it
How large is your bbc from your bbb
vvvvvvvv large
Which account did you get the ticklish questions on?
Can’t remember
Who is your celeb crusj
I have like seven but I can’t remember who they are
Describe your crush if you have one
Who knows who you like?
Idk if I like anyone anymore
I’m kinda confused
What's your second account called
Bueños Dias pendejos. Do u want some memes? - Logan
Do you like anyone? XX
Ha maybe I do x
I with we were closer
So dm and we can be
Popular boys at Rangi
Haven’t really thought about it
Are you looking to date someone? XX
Depends who that someone is
Whats your PC Fortnite username ?❤️?⚡?⚡❤️⚡???⚡?⚡?????????????????????????⚡????
Oh right so have you ever experienced it?
Who do you do it to?
I don’t it was sarcasm
Have you ever had someone wake you up by dragging their fingernails over your bare soles?
No I usually do that
Do you have a boyfriend right now?
Nah I don’t
Just asking because I would imagine they are narrow and mine are also narrow
Oh okay
Have you ever received unsolicited dck pics?
You dunno if your own feet are more narrow or more wide??
Haha why do you wanna know
I didn’t ask if you care lol
Well are your feet more narrow or more wide?
Um I don’t really care
Shoe size and width fitting?
6 in SA 8 in NZ and idk
Who would you guess are probably the most ticklish kids you know any year of you had to guess some- girls and boys
The sweetest cutest your 9 xozo
Boy or girl
Oops sorry i meant boyfriend;;
Yea I have
Have u ever had a girlfriend
No I have not
Thoughts on Logan? - T
Which one
I would say their tummys and their soles but what would you guess?
I guess the same
What would you say are probably the main ticklish spots on a typical kid? If you had to guess the most common ones
Idk you tell me
Are you the girl who always go around with Varnya?
Ya I guess so
What's your favorite colour brocoli
What’s your Snapchat
Wish yah didn’t think I was a dork and I wanna be closer w u
i promise i probably dont haha,you should dm me
Wanna get closer honestly
So dm
what's your Intelligence quotient?
I do like everyones work in most of my classes so i dont know
Who ever said that your mums a hoe
It’s whoever threw that paper your moms a hoe
I like you xx
And I love you xx
Whoever said that your mums a hor
Top 2 girls from nz
Varnya and nina ?
I just wanna know who you are
Take off private so I can check its a real account
Just give me yours then
Bruh I’m not fake
Your Instagram is set to private
So follow me and dm me
Kk whats your Instagram?
jxssica_jones please
I have studied tickling and ticklishness during 2 years of babysitting!
Wow I am impressed,are you a boy or girl
Thoughts on the hairbrush method? Surprised? Or?
No seems pretty normal to do that mmm ...totally please dm me like please
believe it or not fingernails a bit firmly on bare soles is wayyyy more ticklish then lightly! thoughts?
Mmmm very interesting perspective how do you know so much about this ?
The most ticklish way to tickle bare soles is by gently brushing them with a hairbrush!!
Oh sht thanks for telling me I’ll definitely do that next time
wot would you guess is more ticklish on bare soles out of tickling them using fingertips or fingernails? and how firmly?
I’m gonna say fingernails and very lightly
wot if he has cute feet tho?
Mmmm Good question
Does v***** wax hurt got one tommorow
Well goodluck
Ah kk well what do you think of their tummys and their soles?
Nah I don’t like touching feet
First list a boys ticklish spots in order of cuteness
It’s doesnt matter where you tickle them it’s the laugh that’s cute duh
Why someone tall?
Idk what am I supposed to say ?
Same! List a boys ticklish spots in order of cuteness
Idk hahah please tell me who this is or dm me
Thoughts on boys being extremely extremely ticklish?
I think it’s so cute xx
New Zealand
Okay mmmm? Someone tall
Kk but who can you imagine having narrow feet if you had to guess?
Idk if you a South African or a New Zealand person so I don’t know who to say haha
Can you imagine a boy being extremely extremely ticklish?
Really? Thought it was rare for a boy to have really narrow feet
I have no idea you should dm me please
Can you imagine a boy having narrow feet?
Um yes I can
Hot as keen to get closer ahha nina goes out with one of the boys to ahha
I know who this is hahha ;)
Do u prefer it there or here in South Africa
Idk I like them both ?
So what would you do if someone thinks you did something and they have some proof of I but the proof that you do not do
Not really understanding
I have a problem and it is bad
Dm me please x
You obviously like Jermaine
As a friend