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Jesse Taylor James


Ask anything ****s, or ill stoogle ya

46 Replies

Honest opinion of ebony ?

Weird kid. exes best friend. Have nothing against her.

Jesse.T.James replied 4000 days ago

Thoughts on Tegan Jack Matt Justin

Tegan: absolutely love her. I know i can go to her with anything. i know we have our ups and downs but in the end, she's still one of my best friends. Jack: Funny as ****. Fun to be around and makes the day that much better. Matt: Ugh. My cousin. you get.on my nerves you little ****er but your my cousin and i can't do anything about it ;) Justin: JUZZY MY LIL CUZZY!

Jesse.T.James replied 4000 days ago

What do you consider to the most valuable thing you own?

I would have to say.... probably my laptop. cos it has my anime, and anime is the only damn thing that understands me and gives me courage. especially DBZ :3

Jesse.T.James replied 4000 days ago

How do you tell someone they have bad breath?

Here have a stick of gum... or two... or the whole damn packet.

Jesse.T.James replied 4040 days ago 1

What makes your mom awesome?

Well, first off, she used to be awesome. Until my stepdad decided to walts back into our lives. Now she's just a total Bit**.

Jesse.T.James replied 4044 days ago

Most embarrassing moment?

Most embarrasing moment? Asking a girl out in front of her friends and then getting rejected and laughed at :)

Jesse.T.James replied 4047 days ago 1

Top 3 girl friends and top 3 guy friends?

well im not going to do the top 3 girls, since a majority of my friends are girls, but top 3 guys would be 1. Kyal 2.Tristan and 3.Matt

Jesse.T.James replied 4049 days ago 1

Thoughts on Katie Hollingsworth ?

We both f***ing hated each in year 7. But i was put into her class in year 9, and she realised what a funny **** i was.

Jesse.T.James replied 4049 days ago

Ever had a crush on a friend if yes ,who was it ?

I currently have a crush on a friend, and alot, if not all, know who it is, so yeah, not mentioning a name.

Jesse.T.James replied 4050 days ago

Thoughts on

Do i really have to do this? Meh. At least im getting questions :D Thoughts on Tristan: MY f***ING STOOGLE BUDDY! #STOOGLERS4LYF BROO! Taylor: Great person.. Great friend. Great in general Amy: The only one who likes my chewbacca impression! Fun to be around. Eva: Havent really spoke. One example of how the group is drifting Brandon: ... Holly: A person who thinks my black preacher never gets old :D Alex: Alex. The ultimate swag unit. Great guy, good to be around. Tahlia: Good person. Her and alex are a good couple, and im sure they will last forever.

Jesse.T.James replied 4052 days ago 4

Is it possible to escape the friendzone ?Give a reason for your answer

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Talk about coincidence. No. There is no way to escape. It's like.... hmm, how do i put this. Once a fly is caught in a spiders web, it has no way of escaping. Lets say the spider is the girl who put you in the friendzone, and the spider is you. The fly loves this spider. But in the end it gets f***ed over anyway. So yeah, you get crushed.

Jesse.T.James replied 4052 days ago 3

thoughts on tahlia

Well, we dont really talk much. She seems nice.

Jesse.T.James replied 4058 days ago

Thoughts on Alex

Good guy, fun to be around.

Jesse.T.James replied 4061 days ago 1

Thoughts on Holly?


Jesse.T.James replied 4063 days ago

Thoughts on Taylor?

Taylor. Well. Ive known taylor for about 6 and a half years. We didnt really become close until year 8. then in year 9 we drifted again. She's a really good person, a really good one. One of the most trustworthy people ive ever met, and definitely a person who will make your day that much brighter. it just ****s me she doesnt reply to my texts -_-

Jesse.T.James replied 4063 days ago 2