I enjoy, no wait, I love playing games My favourite thing to watch is South Park. I am 16 years old and I am single
Durban North Beach
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I wish that I could have an infinite amount of wishes ?
No. Definitely no. Reason being: "I would be doing my career and I'd get money from that"
The last time I got angry was 30min before I posted this message. My mom told us to play games right she shouted at us for not giving her time
I think that life is an adventure for all of us. We must live it
The pool, go me has grabbed my attention. Reason being is that out of nowhere I never used to swim a lot and then now I do and I love it
I have more than one best friend, I have four: Ismail Fleming, Kyle Tylcoat, Jaidon Moodley and Tiaan Van Rooyen
I would really love to learn on how to develop games. Make my own games, etc.
Playing Single Player Games ?