Jessica Hollands
Got told you rooted Andy jones and bled on him ?
Hahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahhahaha this is my favourite **** about hahahhahahahha quality question. Hahahahhahaha
thoughts on josh crestani
Absolutely love him to death! Biggest little cutie!
Bra size?
I've already answered this. It's an A
Did you **** joe Wilkie or is that just only a rumour
What's it to you
You are a bully.
Haha okay!
it is true, your head jobs are the best. amazing. and swallowed too. thank you.
Hahahhaha wot
Would you have a one night stand, not an overly attractive bloke but keen for a good time
That depends on who it is
Did you get with pum??
I deleted this the first time for a reason. Don't ask again
Chances of a 1 night stand ?
I don't understand the question? Will I have one? Or will I have one with you?
Your anonymous xx
**** that, tell me haha
I love you long time. You always make ppl laugh and reassure when ppl are sad. Your such a sweetie n I love u. Xx
Who is this? Hahaha
My thickshake was nice today thanks for serving me hehe xoxo
Gmac? Hahahahaha I served too many people!
How many different people have you slept with ?
That's for me to know and not you
Best ti ts ! Heard your gobbies are the best !
Hahahahaha did ya now
I got told you did get with him lel
Well I dunno who told you this info cause it's not true
You're such a twelvie like me now yay Tiana03
Heheheh yay! So exciting
Hey you're cute got snapchat?
Sure do bby jesshollands
Did u get wiv aj the nite of the deb??
Lel that would be a negative