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Jessica Pintos


Ask me anything, amuse me xx

13 Replies

Thoughts? I miss chuuuu xo Laura.Coppola

your the bestest person alive! i miss you more xxx

Jessica.Pintos replied 3812 days ago

best girl mate?

dont really have one

Jessica.Pintos replied 3815 days ago

best mate?

toby chibnall

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Thoughts? kyskys

good looking! can be nice when you want to be

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Hahahaha **** yeah. HowDoesOneMakeAQoohMe


Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Thoughts? :) HowDoesOneMakeAQoohMe

a legend with a beard xx

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

idk pop up

you pop up..

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

what did you have in mind ?

you tell me

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Hey Jessica, I want to know what sort of guy you are into. Personality wise and looks.

Thanks, :)

the lot

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Let's bang


Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

You are mint 👍

haha thanks

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

Thoughts on Harry Chambers?

a babe

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago

lets do something tonight

omg please

Jessica.Pintos replied 3818 days ago