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Ask me stuff

1.2k Replies

What does your perfect day look like?

One without u

Jessie.Young replied 3594 days ago

What are you addicted to?


Jessie.Young replied 3599 days ago

What is your bank balance ?

Like .20 cents lol

Jessie.Young replied 3606 days ago

Tbh Bailey White, Jake Galea, Oliver Rear and Pat Quilty

Bailey- gets a bit grumpy, nice most of the time :') don't think he likes me much aha Jake- good kid, really nice and funny :) Ollie- bloody love him, best person to be around, so funny and so easy to get along with and be comfortable around Pat- so fkn funny :') always can make me laugh, really nice and caring

Jessie.Young replied 3609 days ago

Tbh harry Cameron , Matt MacNeil, aiden smith and Alex masterson :)

Harry- love him, best kid, so nice and really attractive Matt- don't talk to you but you're attractive :) Aiden- you and Tenisha seem cute ;) don't talk but seem nice Alex- so funny :') nice as and should talk more

Jessie.Young replied 3611 days ago

Tbh? levimcloughlindore

Really good to talk to, seem like a good guy and you're really attractive :) should talk more x

Jessie.Young replied 3611 days ago

Tbh Riley Chester, Nick Tucker, Christian Bradbury and James Li ?

Riley- been through a lot, love him very much, one of my bestfriends and very grateful for everything he has done for me ❤️ Nick- really funny and nice as, good to talk to and it'd be good to talk more:) Christian- don't really talk but you seem really nice and you're attractive

Jessie.Young replied 3611 days ago

Where do you want to live when you older?


Jessie.Young replied 3624 days ago

Best song you've heard this week ?

Songs these days are ****

Jessie.Young replied 3626 days ago

You and Cassius are perfect

aha thankssss

Jessie.Young replied 3639 days ago

Someone who was once unattractive but now is attractive?

No body that comes to mind :-)

Jessie.Young replied 3639 days ago

i like you in underwear

thats lovely:)

Jessie.Young replied 3645 days ago

Have you had *ex!? That's gross you're 14

yeah i had *ex with drewy farrow

Jessie.Young replied 3649 days ago

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?

Um yes

Jessie.Young replied 3650 days ago

you and cass ????????? in ??????

ahahahahhahaaha really not sure :')

Jessie.Young replied 3652 days ago