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Jessie Gwendolyn Van Duzen


try me<3

928 Replies

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

tbh math. once you get into high school, you don't need most of it unless you need it for university/college and your career

Jessie_Gwen replied 3659 days ago

what are certain things in your life that you are struggling with and need to improve on?

there's always things one can improve on

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

Those are numbers. Text them.
They some good numbers.

lol okay :p

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

are you in grade 11?


Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

do you go to connect?


Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

when were you saved? and what impact has that had on your life and all of your choices?

When i was 8. At camp yay :) itès literally changed everything, i couldnèt even begin to explain it

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

why are you so slow to answer?

im only checking it every so often :p

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

What did God teach you in 2015? Where there a few things you really felt like he showed you?

Wow so many things. I'd say the biggest lesson he's taught me recently is that even when I'm alone, I'm not. He's always there no matter what and there's nothing wrong with having him as the only one you can rely on, because he's all you ever need. He also taught me to trust him. To listen to him, even when it scares me, because he knows what's best for me way better than i do

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

You know that salt counsellors have to be in university or college.

No, i didn't know that actually, it didn't say on the application or anything. But that's okay, i didn't think id get it anyways cause im young :)

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

Everyone I know says you're and ugly shut? I'm not trying to be mean, but why do you have such a bad reputation?

idk tbh, some people like me, others don't

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

Name anyone you dated in the past ?

don't need to relive any of them :)

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

do you like adam j?

yeah he's a cool guy :) we pretty much only talk in drama tho :p

Jessie_Gwen replied 3696 days ago

2269737547 get connected
2262352865 get blessed
5197192884 get advice
5195200930 get ideas


Jessie_Gwen replied 3700 days ago

what did you apply for at fcc?

Summer staff: counselor, SALT counselor, and office

Jessie_Gwen replied 3700 days ago

#noragrets PaigeeeeeTaylor

really? not even a single letter?

Jessie_Gwen replied 3701 days ago 1