Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Go up and introduce yourself. Have some balls. If she is rude about it, shes not worth it HOLLLA
oh thank you! i bet you looked wonderful too
i work at fancy fillings/sandwich chefs and i also work at paul sadler swimland
i walked to my fridge like 5 minutes ago so maybe like 28 metres
oh thank you anon
hmmmmmmmm nah
my body, id like to tone that **** up and probably my sins - decrease those
no worries, glad i could help out
oh why thank you kind soul
Nah! I like my new school
I can't answer that question when I don't know who you are.
I'm sure I liked you otherwise I wouldn't have been your friend? I don't know.
i think its stupid that girls would judge a boy by their looks.. looks should always be a bonus not a priority.
Tell the girl you like her, and if she rejects ya its her loss x
Let's be honest. The truth hurts. But you've got to be honest with the girls.. If you started thinking about your ex then Id probably say you like her and you don't like the other girl cause if you liked the other girl you wouldn't have though of the ex.
Do what you think is right, it's better to do that then to hurt yourself by trying to make everyone happy. You can't please everyone.
Just in the good ol bed watching amazing race
oh baby stop it. youre making me blush. hehe
naw thank you :)
the felllas are great. i have this one guy his name is non exsistent. yeah its going pretty well
no. school is gay
Well If you mean ones I just started listening to then
1. Foy Vance is one. Look up I got love live it literally made me cringe in a good way
2. Birdy! Her stuff is lovely
3. Marina
settle down m8 i didnt ask to be born kim kardashian
you. Ask better questions
1. the office
2. community
3. scrubs
i dont know what else the rest are all equally awsum
more than any animal bi carb product - shes the man
i miss your smile and i still shed a tear every once in a while - miley cyrus
lets rock lets rock today - school of rock
um i dont know maybe 1 of these three opions
1. he got popular and i wasnt in the cool group
2. he stopped giving a shi* cause he is shi*
3. im a boring person and people dont like making effort for me
No one directly but I am extremely attracted to someone
I ain't kool I'm
I know. It's quite a fascinating website
Love & miss ya big sissy
Cool m8
Yeah you're alright I guess..
1. Shaun Pritchard, I don't wanna lose him wah
2. Liz Boguslavsky, my ex step sister miss ya you hoe
3. Kerryl Venten , my god sissy
4. Katie Sutherland , miss our friendship
5. Mads green what a babe
They are all lovely girls.
Definitely not slu*ty!
WHAT... who put you up to this? Is this my mum?
If you are serious take me on a date but what? Omg make love to me? Wait what
But you always have my back u se*y thanggggg
Just watching some foxtel on da couch my friend how bout urself
Oh really.. Rats. What a shame :(
Your all up on me screaming yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
I want a music career.. Not for the fame though although that would be rocken and I'd totally let you be my plus one to lady gagas 50th anon
Yeah I'd say we are friends! I still love her :) we just don't hang out that's all
i am i am! :) Im doing lots of covers soon and im gonna take a big break from putting up originals which will give me time to acctually write them haha.
woooo i love to sing a ling ling
thx. its not like i asked to be born a comedian xox
haha she is a very troubled girl. She just lies to everyone and screws everyone over.
She also steals peoples stuff.
She did alot of stuff to me but the list is too long xoxo
Pretty much.. the moral of the story it dont be her friend she will knife you in the pelvis
i am a slu? thanks i guess. I mean i know what you meant but thats not really an insult seeing as i havent had se* and therefore i couldnt possibly be a slu*.. hahaha
A very long story.
Rovwille my dear
instagram name is: jesstylerr
Thank you Shane! Youre lovely :)
honestly probably.. i mean id feel very sad for her but for all the shi* she did to me i wouldnt go to the funeral cause lets be honest if i died she wouldnt give two shi*s.
I used to hate Mollie Brett.. but its gotten to the point where i dont care about her anymore, so no i dont think i hate anyone. i love people
Um.. Darren Elliott, Zac Maskell
You just have to motivate yourself! Excercise 30 minutes a day and eat balanced food. I think its fine to eat junk food as long as you eat twice as much healthy food. You can do it! Set your mind to it and youll achieve it.
You can do it :)
hahaha seriously? Yeah. I have remained single since Waverley. Rocken the loneli lyf xoxo
Kiera Walshe-Urbanic and Shaun Pritchard :):)
oh shes nice haha and funny hahah good ol darcy.
I dont know her enough to judge her but shes hurt alot of people i care about and she does seem abit obsessed with her boyfriend and her fame. She is nice to me though so ill be nice to her.
Probably Tj Bozdemir.. Shes absolutely beautiful
I dont really believe in popularity.. I think its kind of overrated and stupid. She does have a lot of good friends though i think.
Hmm.. Zeke or Tim Hunter
Both gr8 blokes
WHAT! who!
they are broken up. But its hard getting back in the ring after being knocked out if ya get me :)
Id say Darcy Martell? i like Darcy though! and i dont mind
hahahaha this is funny!
She just got a boyfriend and sometimes you drift! But we are kind of working on it and i believe one day we will be as close as then but i still trust her with everything. i love her.
Yeah i know Todd told me!
Well i mean i have no right to judge haha. If they like each other then let them do what they want.
I was very surprised though haha
hmmm there isnt one who stands out! Maybe like Isaac Herrera, Wade Dekker or Jack Murley? But Jacks like a brother to me so thats kind of weird hahaha
omg i dont know who this is... is this brad? or selen?
He just stopped giving a shi* about me i suppose. He moved on with his life, good for him i honestly hope he is happy :) x
i have never heard that expression before and to be honest i dont really understand it but i do appreciate the comment :) you rock my socks anon
thanks anon, you always got my back
Id love to get to know you :)
Thank you though! Dont be jealous xxx
i miss kharlea teo
You are entitled to your own opinion :)
Have a nice night x
0 people because i hate cats and boys hate me
awesome, hilarious, cool