Jess, chill the hell out a bit
You chill out
The thing is I can't actually tell you who I am, becuause he will be angry if he finds out I asked :/ sorry sweety but thanks anyway good luck with everything xx
He wouldn't know because I wouldn't tell him. But someone else asked so if you read the question below it'll answer it
Just wondering, why do you bad mouth the father of your baby all over Instagram? What happened? Hope your okay.
Tell me who you are and I'll message you and tell you what's happened :) you wouldn't blame if you knew the story which I'll happily tell you If you tell me who you are :)
I'm not jealous you idiot and I did ask a question read below I said 'does jef say he loves you still?' Go back to school. Good luck with everything hopefully you change him and he sticks around
I'm not changing him, it's his life it's up to him how he lives it, yeah and it's none of your business if he says he does or if he doesn't :)
Funny cause I do know what's happening ha ha ah he posts it all over Facebook.
All I asked was a simple question you turned around and started being a *****, this is a question site and you can't even answer questions.
I have him on Facebook dip**** you didn't ask a question you were assuming stuff :) only him and I know what's going on, and it's only both of our business not yours so go complain somewhere else, jealousy hurts aye ;)
Haha aw did I hit a nerve?dont get all defensive and get in your head that Jef actually will stick around and support you. You're delusional!
You don't know nothing, nor do you know what's happening so shut up and get a life :) you must be obsessed with him
Should've used protection, he wanted nothing to do with you and now that you're pregnant which he's always wanted a baby, he's being supportive. Not sus at all..
He never said he didn't want anything to do with me, so you don't know it it all, mind your own business! And don't tell me I shoulda used protection when you don't even know if I did or not! And he wanted me to keep it, so go do something better with your life
Does Jef say he loves you still??
None of your business
Someone you miss?
are you okay? you have been so quiet lately
yeah i'm good :)
That's for me to know, :)
do you like anyone?
Mmm yes
are you happy
Yeah I'm happy, but sad at the same time if that makes sense :)
are you in a relationship now?
Nope single
I love you
Who's this?
I'd say it back, but I dunno who you are :(
one thing you would change in your past?
Too many things, I don't have just one thing ><
Say like in the past week
i dont remember who i add, i have a bad memory with stuff like that
Hottest guy you have added recently ?
i don't know tbh
Are u still a hottie?
I never was :)
got caught out anon ;)
No **** :D
I never said u did I said you would have school tomorrow if you didn't drop out read it properly and not something to be proud of.. and cool?
Why are you even on anon and don't have the decency to inbox me lol.. Not something to be proud of? Haha never said I was proud babe.
I got nothing to hide or be ashamed of :)
haha you tlk like your 20+ youd have skool to if you didn't drop out how can u be so open about your personal life on here
I don't have school so awkward for you. Why not ? I'm not hiding anything and id rather people know the truth then knowing lies :) btw your making it obvious of who you are.
so ur not preggaz? how did doc think you were isn't he supposed to be a doctor he should know
This was months ago,
No I'm not pregnant.
And long story why, he can't tell you have to do tests etc to find out hence why I had to do them tests. So yeah just shut up now it's 3:45 you probably have school tomorrow kiddo.
he uploaded a screen shot of you inboxing him saying heard ya inlove with me and people said u faked a pregnancy with him
I just saw it,
Yeah no the doctor thought I was pregnant so had to have a ultra sound and a blood test not that it matters to you or is anyone's buisness.
Not my fault I get told his still in love with me
hav u seen calebs facebook lately
Nah why? I blocked him
but u always ask my mates to buy a point?
Uh no I don't
Your a idiot that has to hide behind anon?
yeah cause u do shard
No I don't idiot
Cause people lose weight doesn't mean they are on shard
that's how u lost all your weight
No I didn't haha
I lost it cause I don't eat as much as I used to
Idiot :)
heard u were
Did ya
Nah I'm not what your hearing is wrong :D
Do u root
Wouldn't ya love to know
are you really happy?
Over the ****ing moon :D
so u are 100% single?
Do you trust your Boyfriend/Girlfriend?
Hahaha we both should be comedians :)
Yolo swag 2014 rep dat S E suburbs peace out
I'm not bored at all.
Try to say that out loud, it's funny as ****
And no bReaks! All one sentence Jaydelouise
I'm the same! Lol
But I Talk very short over these things and I come across as rude as **** xD Jaydelouise
I'm rude to them who are rude to me haha.
:) were so alike XD
Annon you've already got a best friends approval.
So talk to her !
You seem so lovely !:)
And that's what she needs Jaydelouise
I love you Jayde :)
Some people think I'm mean when really I'm one of the nicest people haha :(
I know you will eventually come out of this nightmare and be an even better person I believe in you.
Id like to talk to you more, not so much over this because there's no privacy :( inbox me please?
anon you should know jess won't laugh at you! She has a big heart and isn't like that one bit!
See, nothing to be shy about :)
and I am to shy I will talk to you more through here first and then I will build up courage to talk to you and tell you who I am
Don't be shy please tell me :)
I'm not going to judge, or laugh at you. :)
its so true.you gotta have a little bad to have a little good. you seem like a very strong girl whos had her fair share of ups and downs and you know what it will be your time to shine soon 2014 let it be your year to change things for the better
Aw Thankyou, yeah I've gone through a lot I guess that's why I'm like I am today I love helping people and giving out advice :) and do not judge people, one bit. :)
that is nice to hear and as you get older you will become more wiser and more closer with them my sister never used to get along with my mum and dad and now that shes older and gone through everything she looks up to them so much and respects them a lot.
Yeah I've heard that tends to normally happen, who are youuu tell me please :) don't be shy
why are you not close with them if you don't mind me asking?
Not something I want to say on this, just tell me who you are and I'll happily tell you :)
im to shy to say im scared you will laugh at me. family is everything to me they are the only ones who will be there no matter what people just come and go family even thou you fight sometimes or don't get along no matter what they always care deep down
I'm not going to laugh at you, I'm not like that.
Yeah I know my family still means a lot to me even though I'm not close with them I'll still do anything for them.
I would so date you but im a family person and family is a big thing to me but you don't seem like much of a family person :(
Who are you?
Tell me who you are then I'll tell you why i probably don't seem like a family person. :)
I wish I was closer with my family to be honest...I won't post it, or inbox me :)
okay sorry you look good anyways!
thanks :) I still need to lose more weight though haha >< who's this? :)
I got told it was because you smoke weed and stuff?
I don't do weed anymore really, and whatever you got told isn't true.
you have lost a lot of weight how did you do it?
I eat less, and don't let myself get over full and stop eating once My Tummys just right so don't over eat, I don't really know :/ maybe cause I sleep all day too so I only really eat dinner
I think ur really pretty
I'm not but thanks,
how come your sista doesn't live at home anymore?
go ask her? Who's this
Just in general I guess?
Uhhh don't worry (:
Fuk, I just realized I'm gonna be 19 then. Woaaah Jaydelouise
Your getting old ;)
I love you gurll!
Were gonna **** **** up when you're 18!!!
Mwa Jaydelouise
Yay :D hurry up December ;)
what's the worst thing you've ever done?
In what? Just in general? Or?
u really need 2 stop and feeding their bull**** . u know who u are so fun e1 else
Who's this
you happy?
Over the moon :D
Something you want to say to someone?
kill urself
My time will come!
Jef never liked you he told me
Whats this thing about you not having a heart?
i dont have a heart :D
you should know, considering everyone else seems to!
i miss us.
I dunno who you are,
but if we were once together, or seeing eachother don't bother trying to get my back please. i have a idea of who this probably is and i'm not interested in you anymore, i moved on ages ago.
Why are you so nice to people?
im nice to people that deserve to be treated nicely,
i believe that no one deserves to be treated badly, but if they give me a reason to then i won't be nice to them :)
Why does everyone tell you to kill yourself?
i must be a horrible person :(
or maybe because they don't get what they want, or because i ignore them i dont know to be honest.
I love you Jess :(
is this who i think it is?
who do you like?
no one i dont have feelings or a heart :D
i want to see you happy jess :(
I'm not going to give a **** in the world from now on,
im happy don't you worry :)
You do have a heart. a BIG heart.
Nooooo i don't :)
i have no heart silly.
what do you mean by that?
everyone seems to think i have no heart or feelings, so from now on i'm going to act like i don't. i won't get hurt that way :D
you seem happy today?
Sorry i have no heart or feelings :)
can we be bestfriends
how when your on anon? ah
oh baby ;)
nah i'm not silly :)
what happened with jef and you?
nothing exactly happened,
i dunno i don't have a heart remember :)
you won't ever get anyone
I do realise this.
thanks for reassuring me :)
about time he opened his eyes and saw how pathetic you are!!!!
True I guess
dont tell her to delete it.i won't be able to give her hate
I won't delete it don't worry kid.
I cant tell you who I am yet but I will.
Why can't you?
And when will you?
What year level did u leave school
At the end of year 9 I left school
the problem about you is that you give people too many chances.
I believe people deserve chances.
Also I forgive people to easily,
its probably for the better anyways you need to help yourself before you can get into any kind of relationship when I say fix yourself I mean work on you being happy :) and im anon for a reason ill tell you another time who I am :)
If you only knew, it's not that I'm not happy. There's a story behind all this. And if you told me who you were which I hope you do then you'll understand because I'll explain it to you. But I won't explain it with everyone being able to see it. So tell me please.
I have liked you for ages can I have you now then?
It was probably tayla parkes she wants jef she is jealous
There's nothing going on with me and Jef anymore anyway.
But yeah it was hahaha.
Who's this? ><
I mean all the "ANONYMOUS" gutless *****es on here think they can hide behind a keyboard... they will see what happens karma will bite them on the as* HARD!
True, already know who one of them are they made it obvious it was them, silly ***** she is haha.
Is it kind of entertaining isn't it, just shows people have no lifes!
*****es on here going to get a big shock!
What do you mean?
you really need to delete this profile and get off this pointless site that just encourages internet trolls/bullys to hide behind a keyboard and to help them feel good about being nasty towards other people for no reason !
It's entertaining really, because they can't say it to my face.
Face reality Hun, it's only gunna get you in the cells or dead, and that'll be you own fault because of you stupidity. Your not cool, it's not impressing anyone, so grow up and stop trying to get attention, because your doing it all wrong!
What the **** are you on about?
Listened? Listened to what. Your full of it. Look, I'd never wish death upon my worst enemy but you are a complete ****wit, you think doing shifty **** will get you somewhere?
Who said that, I never said that. Plus what shifty **** do I do huh? Go on considering you know everything about my life.
please excuse the short spelling it wouldn't let me fit everything in so had to shorten it.
No need to be sorry! who are you? :)
ppl just bcuz it says "Anon" doesn't necessarily mean its "Anon" & lets just say, if anything were 2 happen yous would all b F***ed bcuz no matter wat on the internet nothing is ever " Anon" or "Private" so stop hiding behind a computer & keyboard & get a lyf
That's true
pls ignore all the ****
No ignoring anything