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Umm.. Not everyone knows I was born a red head
How am I a ****, your probably know jack **** about me or my life so please don't judge me
I don't think so , but I have friend zoned people before
You're hilarious , fun to be around , and great to talk to . I hope you failed something not in a bad way tho just so there is a chance of having another class together lol I hope you and alex last because you two are cute , we need to have lunch again , and see you next year :)
Hey. Guess what. Your a loser ;) luv ya too && watermelon like oh my gosh mmmm
She's amazing, honestly funny and accepting she's great to talk about everything with and always has advice. She is beautiful
He is such a cutie , he's sweet and funny and he cares. He works.. Alot , but he always finds time for me. Even the smallest littlest thing about him that others might not notice drive me wild <3 I love him and he loves me , that's all that really matters <3 :)
Oh I know it , and apparently so does the paparazzi
Adam <3