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Once by accident I was drunk and I asked a random if I can pull from their pipe but it smelt normal and afterwards I realized hahahaha 67 moments .
Hahahahaha my skin isn't perfect and clear dear :)
Awww thanku :)
I don't know .
She left me when I was 3 and I visit her once in a blue moon . I can't stand her tho . :) x
What the **** are you talking about ?
Lmao . Urh who are u ? . And I drink everything , yes even beer haha :) but my fav would be , jameson with lime yeah ^^,)
Urh I am , very fond is an understatement , his my rock , my mom and my dad , my hero , don't know what I'd do without him :)
My dad also says that :)
2 brothers :) I'm the oldest x
Urh lol no I duno doll :) sounds like mimi ?
Beyonce ft J.Cole _Party and Beyonce _ Love On Top .
Wow hahahahaha thankyou I guess :)
Hahahahahaha lmao no shame he's the sweetest little guy ever :)
Shaun Geswints Arms <3 .
Mishka bosch she\'ll always be . And my boyfriends my bestfriend I would say :) well recently the people I call \"friends\" are either fake or I have no idea what\'s going on anymore or its just a lot of bull**** . :)
Urh firstly I don't know who you are and secondly I have a life , I don't ask people questions they ask me :) x
Aah geez this is a hard one , urh it would be right here in Port Elizabeth :) I fell inlove in this city , falling deeper everyday , wouldn't change a thing . ?
I have a feeling you think I\'m so hot too ;) coz I am hahahahahahahahahahahahaha you probaly some ugly dweeb who\'s hating on me , and I\'m not gona tell myself I\'m not pretty coz ****s like you be hating hahahaha I\'m beautiful , yes , I know :)
Wow , **** you too doll :) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx !
Have the bestestestest boyfriend in the universe , yes :)
Hahahahhaha yes ofcourse , wait , depending on who the person is ",)
Its real . I'm beyond happy yes :) . Have the most amazing boyfriend on the planet . Family and friends is a problem free zone . Schools hot . So yes I'm happy :)
Hahahaha yeah \"there\'s no better feeling than not giving a ****\" but sweet doll it really doesn\'t phase me :) . Most people wouldn\'t answer the questions I get but I have nothing to hide see :) xo
Nope . Whoever you are you clearly don't have a life . That's in the past move on :) and I don't see why that would be important to anyone either but you got your answer . Shup . :)
In a relationship :) . With the best boy ever :) <3
Home :) Capetown .
A little older :)
unfortunately not sorry man :)
Mishka bosch , forever <3
Nope .
You could say so :)
Down to earth :) !
Wahahahaha uh thankyou I guess :)
Uhm my ears and upper legs I guess :)
Yes Yes Yes I do ^^,)
Hahahahaha sure , it depends tho :)
I don't for anything in a guy ;) hahahahaha .