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Big pecker on him! Photo evidence
Very cool
Amazing person
Silly question! I'm only incest when it comes to Will ;)
Give me sum
I really feel as though joining a catholic school has furthered my education due to the faithful teaching a God and Jesus Christ our saviour
Ask me for dinner first! Jesus
Ceraphin and Reed have a tie
Ahahaha have a crack! Just keep in mind that they call me Roy Jones
Ahahaha pull yah head in mate
Small in the pants s*cks! Get bagged out all the time
Not really a fan
Kill Grace Gill, Marry Nick English
All girls are gross! I'm a homo
Connor Baker is a legend! Nick Harvey on the other hand, not so much
I look cute all the time! What are you talking about ;)
Yeah **** oath! And the smallest in the year level
Will is my twin brother! Can't you tell? Same skin colour
Nick English
Edward scissorhands
My one inch ****
Gaymee Lefoe
English! So good and definitely not the most boring thing I've ever done ;)
I would definitely keep my eyes open! That's an experience of a life time
This is true!
Sum loser
I can't say but I will tell you that he will definitely not like my thought
Wouldn't have a clue :)
Lanky doodle is too lanky and not enough doodle. Rob is cloud looking and Suarez Has been raised by a beautiful human being xx
I am doing deb! With the almighty Natasha Symons
Can't say I've ever met you before but didn't my cousin go out with you? Hahahahaga
Just the one
Ahhh this must be Zachary Page! Because of the as* wooping I gave you at Laura's xx
I love everybody
Wouldn't you like to know (;
I don't know! Are you really sure?
I miss you too
Ej, rylee, hannah, mon
Pretty sure Mitch King is in there! But he's not my best friend, it's weird
Some people call me the White Mamba!
Obviously, Who doesn't?
I am mighty fine thank you :)
I really want to try one during my shift once
Not that fine! I'm actually a bit sick!
I already love you
That's what I like to hear Abe!
Pretty much anything with bulk sugar and fat content
I really have no idea of the girls that go to victory!
Too right! Meant to be
Spannah McFerral
That is the dumbest question! All year 7's are gay! It's a fact of life
Soz man
My year is full of them!
No, I just think that the people that hang out with me are cool
Not really? He's a bit too fat and not muscular for me! And **** at basketball for my liking
Drank some red bull which gave me wings
Absolutely everybody, in the whole wide world.
Nah man!
I can't please everyone
Chelsea english
I don't know! I'm definitely forgetting some
That's a massive lie
soz man
Can't be bothered answering
Hannah, Amy and someone else
Kayla, abbey chettlebourgh, ainslee, hobarts, and others
Definitely Jordy, Louis or Zach
No, I love you more
Too many lol
Bridie and Kayla and a few other too
Jack Elk and the almighty Dylan Beck
Too much effort! Would you be able to do it for me?
There are heaps and heaps! I'd love to name them all but there are way too many
And how do I do that? What do I do exactly?
Probably the funniest human alive
E.L.E Everybody love everybody! I love you
You actually talk some poop! You are lying
Hey man! Hold up! inbox me
Some serious surgery maybs
Don't really know you both lol
Pretty sure I do
Can't say that I'd pass :)
Great honor! I have worked my as* off for this moment
Jack has a gf and will rooted some bloke