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Johncarlos Biza


Ask me anything you like anonymously

19 Replies

Whr r u nw still in capetown

Yes..why, wanna come over to visit? *praying you're not a man*

Johncarlos replied 4911 days ago you date black ladies or you just prefer whites?

Hahaha what a question. I date any female I have a connection with

Johncarlos replied 4928 days ago

Do u hav a crush nw?

Crushes are for teenagers. I don't know any teenage girls so I'm guessing no-one has a crush on me as well.

Johncarlos replied 4935 days ago

Wat charecters u want in a galfrnd nt frng gal

She must use proper grammar. I can't make sense of the mxit gibberish. She must also be very smart, mature and look after herself well. Anything more is a bonus

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Ungphuphile nje

Stalker tendencies *shaking my head*

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Y the name johncarlos?cz its nt urs

Home Affairs and both my parents say it is. Maybe you have mystical powers that know things the rest of us don't

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Lol r u guys nt comfortable ppl knwing dat u dating

Early stages. We wanna make sure we are suited for each other before we parade our relationship :)

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Do u hav a galfrnd nd wats her name

I'm seeing someone. I will let u know her name once she and I are comfortable making things public

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Why did you relax your hair? Are you channeling Drrogba?

Hahaha I have a spiky mowhawk. It's a rockstar look, not the untidy PSL soccer player type, so I need freezing gel on relaxed hair to pull it off

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Do u remember wen u said 2me imst stand stil?wat did u wanted 2do

Steal your belongings?

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Did u eva had crush wit me

Have no idea who you are so I wouldn't know. Besides, if I liked you I probably would have told you

Johncarlos replied 4938 days ago

Wat would u do if I said I've a crush on you

Speak up and see where it takes you.

Johncarlos replied 4945 days ago

Wat would u do if I said I've a crush on you

Depends how you look lol. Speak up and see where it takes you. I'm open-minded so ladies have a high success rate with me :)

Johncarlos replied 4945 days ago

When am I getting my milkshake????

Depends where you stay. If you're too far from the Cape, it might be cheating by the time I see you *hint hint*

Johncarlos replied 4946 days ago

When u planning 2 get a gf nd how old are u?

I'm well into my 20s. I'll get a girlfriend when I fall for someone who sees me the same way, not just for the sake of it.

Johncarlos replied 4946 days ago