What is good in your life right now?
Deez nuts hah
That thing that irritate you about your friend?
Talks to much
MR Guerini your a Great perSooN...* Nobody mAkeS mE LaG like yoU doEn....* BtW I did LeeR thE beSt LinE today *[What's cooking good looking=)]*
I is gelukkig to weet that jy lag for me :P xxx
Why don't u skip college and come surf?
Negative, although I'd love to I'm securing my future here :)
I'm a follower of the king? You have a butler aka big head! Your personal shofer he's a bit on the braaaaap braaaap side!? We praised the grass of green in any way possible? Who am I ???
You are one of my best mates Daryn Coetzee :P
nai my in my poes dt my poes begin bloei en ek my poes hare snoei
Hahahaha sies emile jys vuil :P
se*UUUUAAAAAALLL!!! Ive got smokes but no lighter, what a coincedence Ive got a lighter but no smokes (96 in the mirror)
Lmao I know who this Is :P
I think your really cute but we never talk and when we do its about boy issues... U don't even see me (n)
Thank you, why don't you try speaking to me then, I love making new friends, you just have to start a chat and we take it from there :)
Hope you single
No I'm not.
69 answered questions. ;) co-in-so-din-s I think noooot :D
That's a good number I rate :P
Best friends ?
I walk alone
Stay as amazing as you are and never change for anyone :) you a great friend and worth keeping as one
Xx from A
Ag danq skat *hugz* xx you rock!
Chrissi loves you big brother bear.
Seeing you tomorrow. Eagerbeaver much ;)
I\'m like a week late haha but was great seeing you angel xx love you lots :)
Then you're dating them before you get to know them. Try taking more time to really know some people.:) you'll be surprised. I know for a fact you don't know anything about me, cause you havnt tried to figure anything out. :)
guys like me dont go out and look for a girl, we wait for one to come along :) you clearly havent tried speaking to me :)
You are such an awesome guy. You should stop going for such common girls and go for a proper one. :)
Girls don\'t show their true side until you date them :)
Wen last did u get it on wit a girl?
im a virgin
Jst tewl me whu u lyk pleeeeez :$ ;;)
Ill give you a hint, It swims, its yummy, its not a fish although it moves like one in the water, it is a beauty to the eye and at this point in time it should be here :) take a guess
MY BESTI I love yu lotsness even when yu get all se*y with my friends in the foam =D hahahaha LOL x_x ahh my life. Miss yu muchness mucho man ;) x seen yu this year :D
Love you forever my dear xx see you in just over a week, then we will rule over the grounds of tech :P xx miss you angelpie
Mnse wat so kk prat is alml spoiled brats wt ni wet wt probleme is nie Jys baie sweet en muni dt hule kk jo trug hou ni. Thse who mind dont matter & those who matter dont mind. Wees jouself en geniet jouself.Die res maki saki. Sal later an n vraag dink...
Danq danq :) vra my iets op bbm :)
Y u always pee on yourself? lol
I ask myself the same question?
Whu u lyk bra?
Ask me on bbm and ill tell you :) people must not see on here
Come and f*** around with me
Ping me twice
So se*xxxxy ;P
Ping me ;)
U prbbly hve aloda fwends who's ur besstesssti thu?
Christin Jackson is my bestest and everyon else is my second bestest :P
You have a gf?
Not at this present time :)
Hey as*hole! I miss your face! And your 6 pack! And your drunk night at castros with me being a cripple!!
Hope I see you soon babe:) <3
From jo
Hey Jo haha when are you coming back home ??? Xx loveies you stax my sweetpea, missing you
Kani dink an n vrag no nie. Wil net se di klmp wt so kk prat is spoiled brats wati weet wat probleme is ni. Jys n baie sweet ou. Those who mind dont matter and those who matter don't mind. Wees jouself en geniet jouself
Ag dankie jy! Thanks x
Why wher u such a jeRk in high skewl?
Thought a was to cool for everyone else ay haha (face palm)
These people are retards omw :| you're an amazing guy k? <3 don't forget it and don't let anyone tell you different *hugs*
Thanks (bbm hug) nice to hear it from so many people, you guys and girls make my life awesome!!!!!!!! :)
Why wher u such an as* back in the day? U are totally amazing now and have really turned into an amazing guy,but u wher a real as* hole in high skewl....
Its the company *? kept, bad friends make you bad, now *? have amazing friends in my life, and thanks for the compliment, its nice to know other people notice it :)!!
Is seriously really a reply? Lame *? wouldn't ask if *? knew who you were... Puttana
Vain main italian trail :P
Ill use my psychic abilities,,, its a she, she has blue eyes, she is blonde, she is se*y :0 its steph ;P
Do u have one? :D whahaha
One what?
Y u so fuktup (G)
Because you are probably a doos :)
f*** these f***ers tuning u on qooh me bra!!:)
Awe shot for having my back bro appreciate it :)!!!
Hey jonno I am lee~ann I am 29 wf single eif u are single try me okay u sound nice guy and hot guy 2 chat with me now on bbm please and aks on date
No thanKs :/
Pay no attention to these as*wipes chuning you and your education on here jonno :) they can't judge you cos they haven't been in your situation. You cool man ;)
I'm loving all the positivity, thanks man, who are you by the way :):)
Jonno! Sho hahaha...
Lol awee, you are supposed to ask a question haha
Hey yeyeh!! Ints ints ints!! Wob wob wob wohhooooooo!! -what does that sound to you?
DUBSTEP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeeeeewwww mafakka guess I got ma swagga back hahaha (face palm)
You're awesome. You owe me my Naughty Milk. Love you, fellow How I Met Your Mother addict. :) x enjoy your week further.
Haha I do? Bear in mind it will be warm by the time it gets there hahAha enjoy your week b*m :)
Sentence structure n spelling ws bad bec I hd to fit n crop the msg 2 fit in 4 lyns frm 6.dnt blame ur dads sickness uv alwys bn dumb n naughty at skl so u caused it on ur own.I stil mde matric afta my dad ws killed.I dnt feel bad I knw da bad person tht u r.
Ah you are black. An ignorant Malema supporter hahaha black location trash. I guess poverty has hit you hard. Listen idiot. I was forced to leave school. If you think back to 2007 and 2008 did you see me in school? No. I was up and down between cape town and east london :) moron. You are a stupid black prick. And you are clearly threatened by me.
I can c by the language u use tht u trully r white trash.. Jy is kommin soos jou vriende! I\'m sure ur mother so proud of u. Jst do every1 a fav.Stp swearing lyk an animal it jst shws ur lck of education an class, myb that\'s why u fail so much
Lack of education (look your sentence structure and spelling) lack of class(we are on the same level) classy people don't have obnoxious comments about others. You are common for trying to use the mistakes I've made against me. You do not know my upbringing. Before you judge maybe you should be separated from your family for a year and have the worries of a 13 year old boy having to drop out of high school because his father was suffering acute myloid leukaemia. His mother works to pay for chemotherapy. And your baby sister is over 300km away :) don't feel bad(witch you wont) just know: you are a horrible being, emotionally sadistic. I am proud of the fact I returned to school to qualify for a matric. You need not reply any further please
Drop out s***
Call me what you like coward. That\'s what you are. A spine-less jellyfish. You are mean to me because I\'ve either ****ed you and left or you have a crap life and you get off by being a prick to others
Ya noone cares about u failing that's y u keep failing y don't u dfrop out of skul and sit at hme doing fk all as that's wt u do at skul
Who's your bestie?
She left long ago
Jonno :) Not really a question BUUUUUT watever man :D keen to go ice skating with uu hunneh :D rate its gonna be good and I'm stealing that adorable kitty of urs :D if u know who this is *rolls eyes* haha :) have a great day handsome. Xoxo
Sooon babe. Xx
How many times are you going to fail before u finish high school? U where meant to end matric 2 years ago but ur only in grd 11 now? Eish kinda sad ay.
I have my reasons and No one else cares so why do you? Worry about yourself rather than making other people feel like a as* :) thanks bye
Awe boeta hehe... Ek sien hier is haters op jou ding ook haha... Shame bra hulle is wanna be's wati guts heti no worrys boet I got u haha we ride togetha die togetha haha hint we got dronk vrediet togetha haha en blok elke dag saam hehe cheerzz boeta!!
Haha vok hulle boeta. Sulank ons saam staan is ons tops brada. Oz het n paar memorys saam :D love you bro. Sien jou by di skwl
Bra los my vkn myc uit. Jy gan jou gat sien as jy anhou. Ekt gesien hu julle chat op bbm! S
(Broek staan stil. Baas isi rerg bang ni) you are a joke bra. If I were you I'd be careful what threats get thrown around, it could be devistating to your face. TRY ME PAL
What skewl you at?
Newton technical high :)
Anonymous :) xx inbox your name ;)
Are you single or dating sum1?:))
I'm always single.
School on wednesday ;) c you there *
Haha **** you blake
Why have qooh me and say ask me anything if you wna be cocky to the questions you are being asked?
Because idiotic questions deserve idiotic answers.
I'm going to hook your sister ;D
Why don't you tell me who you are and ill hook you with my left fist and kick your knees in ;D coward
So if he is your cuzz that means terri, kyrie, sam and storm are to I know them all?
Ok is there a point to these questions? Do me a favor... piss off. i bet you are as pathetic as these questions :) have a good 2012
Are you and jp roux close?
He is my cuzz. So yes we are
How was ur new years?x
What a question haha I have a hangover
What's the plans for new years bro?
I drank. I got drunk No problem
Who are you really close with, like you consider them family close?
You are not specific enough. I have a lot of really close people:)
Have you hooked up with carly smith before?
no I have not
Jonno , its carly your wife :) ahhhh one week u. Think we can make it :p hahahah love u soooo much bro x homie love nigggah CarlyAppleSmith
Marry me baby :P love you
You secretly want me ;)
Inbox me your name and ill tell you if your statement is true ;)
I had s*ck a great time with you. So I was wondering if you would take me to heaven again if you remember who I am. Girl in the AMG ;)
I'm sure we can make a plan 8)
Are you interested in anyone? If you are who??
Yes I am but I'm afraid I won't tell you who. She already knows I am :) sorry
Oohhh, I've got a question!! Why are you so awesome, Dubsteppa? Haha :)
Haha thank you but how can I answer that without sounding either f**gish or \"conceited\" as I was referred to previously XD
I don't think ur bad a friend but get ur act together and don't be so conceited its not attractive you have girls that fall over their feet for u but they're ugly
I really do not care what people think of me:) if conceited is my description. I'd rather be known as that then a fake. Guys like me become this way because of that 1 woman they cared for changed them:) as a friend take me as ii am or leave me alone:)
Jonno seriously now :) you have consider yourself being " a man ***** " but yet u **** every girl that will never get a guy?
I'm not sure I understand the point you are drifting towards :/
Would you be friends with a chubby girl I she had a pretty faCe :P
Friends are supposed to be good people. So looks don't matter
Are you dating anyone currently? *
no I'm not
I've got two questions.
1: When did you start taking an interest in dubstep?
2: What's your fave mix that you've done?
In 2007. And chainsaw calligraphy(my Re-edit)
Are you a virgin?
XD yes I am
Ever considered a bj from a guy?
No. I\'m hetero*exual!
Who are you dating currently
The beach
What's the one rumour you've heard about you that is not true?
That I am obsessed with Zaskia. ROFL! Hell no