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Ask me something

416 Replies

Sc namee

Jordandrage2 :)

Jordan.....n replied 3025 days ago

Your most embarrassing moment ?

There's been many

Jordan.....n replied 3125 days ago

What got you upset recently?


Jordan.....n replied 3132 days ago

Doggie style


Jordan.....n replied 3132 days ago 2


Jordan_drage :)

Jordan.....n replied 3134 days ago

do u wanna buy sum slaves

You're so thoughtful

Jordan.....n replied 3143 days ago 1

everything is slaves

Feed them icecream yeah, = more,trust

Jordan.....n replied 3143 days ago

Who and when was your first kiss ?


Jordan.....n replied 3144 days ago 1

Jordan can we try again please? :( I know I messed up but we can make it work

Who is thisssssss, message me x

Jordan.....n replied 3144 days ago 1

Where do you want to be living in 10 years?

In a house would be good

Jordan.....n replied 3145 days ago 1



Jordan.....n replied 3151 days ago

How many doors do you have at your house?

19 I think

Jordan.....n replied 3167 days ago 1

How many kids would you like to have ?

Idk like 2-3

Jordan.....n replied 3180 days ago

Liken anyone

Depends who's asking

Jordan.....n replied 3187 days ago

Oi Jordan remember me! Aha the one from the country side aha " howdy" I'm really bored sorry about this message xx Georgia.Mahoney

Ahaha :') hey Georgia! How are you xx

Jordan.....n replied 3187 days ago