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1.5k Replies

should guys wear cologne???

um most definitely

Jordon.Grayley replied 3805 days ago

How many kids do you want to have?

3, one boy and two girls:)

Jordon.Grayley replied 3812 days ago



Jordon.Grayley replied 3812 days ago

I think you and matt should get back together there's always gonna be people who say date and don't date but from someone who thinks you should just do what you want be happy I just think he can make you happy


Jordon.Grayley replied 3812 days ago

you and jagger again eh??? ahaha

Yeah were friends:)

Jordon.Grayley replied 3812 days ago

oh yeah


Jordon.Grayley replied 3819 days ago

What do you s*ck at?

Literally everything lol

Jordon.Grayley replied 3821 days ago

*** on ur glasses


Jordon.Grayley replied 3821 days ago

What would be your idea of the pErfect date?

I'm not picky when it comes to stuff like that. As long as I'm interested and you're sweet then we can go and do whatever and it will be perfect

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

foreskin yummm

I know right

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

Thoughts<3 egzon1481

Too lazy;)

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

Jordon:( I actually miss you so much, you're so beautiful, ****ing perfect:$. Your the sweetest girl I ever talked to, I wish I never messed up when we were talking, any guy should be lucky for a girl like you:$

Aww well thanks:$

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

Friend you cannot live without?

****tani foreskin

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

Jordon! It's really nice to see that you're doing well. I'm so glad you found someone who's treating you right! Best of luck with everything and hopefully I'll see you sometime :)

I haven't but thanks anyways:)

Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago

i just want to congratulate u on ur boo*s srsly, I remember when u had ghost t***, but now u have ginormous boo*s


Jordon.Grayley replied 3825 days ago