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Jordayn McCudden


Ask me anything you like anonymously

163 Replies

You're bad at replying to some people, which I am one of them. The reason I message you is cause you actually talk instead of just one worded replies which I dislike. I'm not trying to hit on you or anything. Thought you were different to everyone else.

I know that I'm horrible at replying, I'm always so busy running around doing a million things and by the time I actually get back to replying to long messages it's too late and would just seem silly. I have a fairly good idea who this is and you don't know how bad I feel. I'm sorry.

Jordymccudden replied 3218 days ago

If you were to die and come back as a person or thing, what do you think it would be?

lil Wayne's girlfriend

Jordymccudden replied 3222 days ago 1

Do you like crispy jokes?


Jordymccudden replied 3225 days ago

What did you get up to for your Friday and satdy nights?

Just hung out with some friends, not doing much, talk sht and watch movies and whatever :)

Jordymccudden replied 3225 days ago

I can't really start fresh when i try to talk to you but just get ignored. I know you probably don't mean it, but it makes me feel like I'm just an annoying piece of sht.

I'm so sorry! I'm the worst at replying, especially text message, it'll take me daaaaays! :(

Jordymccudden replied 3225 days ago

I feel bad. And I'm sorry If I've made you feel uncomfortable.

Feel bad for what? If you did then I'm sure it's fine, start fresh maybe? :)

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Anyone you regret talking to?

Yes and no. I learnt a lot from speaking to the certain someone so I'm glad I got to know them and they got to know me but I also got very hurt.

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Name 5 people from Yarra you want to hang out with more. People you wouldn't mind talking to a bit more often?

I couldn't just pick 5, I'd be happy to hang out with anyone and get to know anyone a bit more :)

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Do you think anyone likes you at the moment?

No! Haha there's nothing to like ;D

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Is there anyone that has annoyed you recently?

Right now.

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Miss talking to anyone?

Of course I do

Jordymccudden replied 3228 days ago

Best looking girl out!

Aw no way! You're just too nice

Jordymccudden replied 3229 days ago

Talking to anyone at the moment? If so, who? And why?

Not really, just got some friends :)

Jordymccudden replied 3230 days ago

Like anyone at the moment? Talk to them much? Last time you saw them?

Nah I don't think I like anyone at the moment :) someone change dis plz :)

Jordymccudden replied 3231 days ago

I love you

Aw I'm sure I love you too :)

Jordymccudden replied 3235 days ago