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Sapphire Anderson


The loof is on fire.

218 Replies

How did you get into gaming ?

My step dad was a gamer :) so I used to play Tekken, Crash and Spyro with him when I was around two or three on the good ol playstation one n.n

JorgeBlack replied 4114 days ago

What do you think people think of you?

That I don't let people into my group who don't like Kpop or gaming.......................

JorgeBlack replied 4114 days ago 1

whats wrong with xmas


JorgeBlack replied 4117 days ago

The thing you want the most this Xmas?


JorgeBlack replied 4117 days ago 1

If you could sum up your music taste with one song, what would it be?

JorgeBlack replied 4118 days ago

I know someone asked this before but it may have changed so whats your fav game?

Ah it's pretty hard to choose aye...Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag, Bioshock Infinite and Tomb Raider (the latest one) really captivated me...and I love them...but then there's the other games in those series...the amazing campaigns from Halo 3, Alice, Deadpool, GTAV and then there's the timeless ones like Spyro, Crash and Tekken...THERE'S JUST TOO MANY D: But...AC4...that one has to be a's just so glorious...

JorgeBlack replied 4118 days ago

What is the best way to approach a girl you like?

From the front. If you do it from the side, she might freak out and slap you.

JorgeBlack replied 4121 days ago 2

A lie you told today?

Tristan is good at gaming.

JorgeBlack replied 4123 days ago 1

Your mum is so wise. Hard respect

She is. All hail fire lord Nebbie.

JorgeBlack replied 4139 days ago

Sapph i have to say i never thought of it like that! Good on you girl!

Haha thank you n.n That's the way my mum has taught me :)

JorgeBlack replied 4139 days ago

Do you believe in *ex after marige?

Believe... I didn't know it was a religion >.< um I believe that God sees *ex as marriage. Once you've made that physical, emotional and spiritual bond with that person, you should be together forever. But because of how the world is these days...that just doesn't happen. Why we are told as Christians to stay pure until marriage is so that we don't sleep with every person we meet or date to protect us. It's damaging if you do that. But the way we are taught it is wrong..we are taught as if it's this huge massive sin and God will be disappointed in us and we will go to hell. Its not that big of a deal in my eyes. Or in Gods. He doesn't want us to sleep around, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't mind if we sleep with someone we love before marriage. He just wants the best for us. But that all being said, I am going to wait for marriage :) Shaun and I both want to wait n.n It just makes it that much more special on your honeymoon. Yep. Rant over hahaha

JorgeBlack replied 4139 days ago

Favorite year 10s? ;D

Is Rigan a year 10? I like her. Is Xandre a year 10? She likes Final Fantasy. I like her too.

JorgeBlack replied 4140 days ago

Who are you thinking about as you answer this?

Edward. Who looks and sounds like Chris Hemsworth.

JorgeBlack replied 4140 days ago

What's your favorite thing about Shaun ?

His left ear drum.

JorgeBlack replied 4153 days ago 3

What's your favorite youtube video atm?

JorgeBlack replied 4154 days ago