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Complicated staf
I'll be gone til saturday
120Days (4months)
Combining power
Detoxification(destroys bacteria,alcohol,poisons)
manufacture antibodies and antitoxins
Storage of vitamin A
Storage of mineral ions
Synthesis of plasma proteins
Converts excess carbohydrates to glycogen and also to fats
Makes heparin
makes red blood cells in an embryo
Makes bile from old red blood cells
To prevent blood clottin in vessel
The gain of hydrogen or removal of oxygen,
The gain of oxygen or removal of hydrogen
x=0 or x=6
You can cal now, its on,
Diet,food taken by an organism every day
Balanced diet, a diet containin all nutrients that is , water,poteins,fats,carbohydrates,vitamins,mineral elements,roughage in right amounts and proportions..
I dont take pures, but i think bonds in a metal
Energy is produced(Sound,heat)
A new substance is formed,
it is irreversible
Cobalamin= bread , vitamin E =Milk, spinach vitamin k=vegetable oils, spinach
Melts the sugar o mayb it z neutralized by da water
The base of a triangle
Centre of gravity of an object, this where an object balances, where it cannot easily topple
Hydrochloric acid + Pepsin + Renin
a. Reaction when two substances react and one product is formed
b. Reaction where a reactive substance displaces a less reactive substance e.g F2+ 2NaCl -> 2NaF + Cl2 samthn lyk dat.
c. Reaction where a substance burns in oxygen e.g CH4+ 2O2-> CO2+ 2H2O
A reaction that releases heat(Heat is produced)
Beri-beri and loss of apetite
Detect poisons, to separate dyes..samthn lyk dat
To produce heat
Absence of nucleus and presence of companion cell
Nutrition where an organism benefits on others organisms e.g lichens
When teeth break the food eaten in a bolus in the buccal cavity
To transport manufactured food
Iwe, ni sodium hydrogencarbonate NaHCO3
(mv-mu) where m is mass v is final velocity and u is initual velocity
Somewhere July,August
Dont hav a gal,
I havent headrd any
its complicated
Child of God