Hey Staude!! Guess who this is!!:D:P I'm the person responsible for you and zanell dating!!:D
Its jade hey????????
.......................I'm spying on u!who do u think I am?
Creepy n don't no who????
Hey Chop_♥:) just thought I should let u know that I think ur sooper awesome and that u are an amazing friend, keep up the spwecialness... Love from_ Egg :) ♥ xx
Thnk u
Do u go for a girl for their looks or their personality?
If you could go back,what would you change in your life?
Ping me I wana no who u r plz
Not jean, kris:D
I ws close u brothers so it good enough
Which high skwl do u want 2 go 2 n y?
Selborne 4da sport acedemics good both ways
Are you a prawn??
No jean
If u could describe yourself in 3 words what would they be?
I'm not sure hw wld u