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Why is this even question of the day...
Hopefully I can achieve greatness in everything... Communication is my weak point though.
That's lovely. Have fun on there.
Indeed, hopefully that all these years at school we can one day find a way to extend the human lifespan. If we were to do that we would over populate the planet extremely fast so we would also need to find a way to have a population out side of out planet. All this wont be achieved in yours or my lifespan. It's rather sad that we will miss out on all of this.
Joshua/Josh/Weedon either of those is fine :)
Have teachers not told you copy and paste is not a good thing? At least give me a resource as to what site your getting these off.
I have numerous times :)
I would not be a ****head and smoke/drink/do drugs so I increase the average lifespan of humans all around the world. Just all the usual things. Just because it's the average doesn't mean I have to die that young.
This is not a question, you tool.
Yes. The truth is that Mark and Kodi are going to get married.
No, Hitler was a good leader for his country. He is good at that, but he is also evil for killing innocent people. There is no line for good or evil.
that's way too deep for me
I would sit in my room and continue playing games. (I'm kidding) Well I have hardly any family so maybe just stay at home and just be with my mum/dad?
Devlin - Refer to previous answers Jaide - Really nice :) Shannon - Good kid, doesn't really like me I'm pretty sure. Dale - Refer to previous answers Nick - Refer to previous answers
Well being alive is what I'm being. Truly living is something what Bear Grylls does. All depends on the person but I would love a life like his.
Not at all :/
Learn to spell peoples names and then I will answer
You my friend, have some serious and deep questions.
haha thankyou Jess :)
Where were you... when we built the ladder to heaaaven.
Always look on the bright side of life, do du do do do do
Hate you too mwah mwah xoxo
Marketing for sure, price of flowers is redic
Well Azalea takes the cake on this one. She's always there for me if I need, can always count on her :)
Everybody dance now
Well at least 1 person thinks that :)
Daniela Weedon
Well just another day yes, it's not Friday every year due to the fact that in 1 year there is not an even amount of weeks/days.
I always have to send the first inbox to everyone -_- I feel so annoying doing so.
You are mistaken by the order in which you sent those, I would first need to grow a pair and then ask. Asking then growing a pair doesn't really work.
No one and probably no one.
Wow thanks man.
No one anymore, cant really trust anyone...
Don't call me Joshua :(
Hihihi Keeley is awesome
We need to talk more! Talk to me :(
No. Don't believe everything people say :)
This was like 78 days ago
Oh ok. Well, a few months ago I sort of disliked him a lot because he always kept taking Azalea away from Nick. Other then that all I know about him is that he's a good drawer
Stop stalking me then Keeley :P
Jordans a good guy, should go really well in life. Personally I don't like Nick, just the way he acts annoys me. I don't really know Devlin enough to say, can be annoying but also nice. I hardly speak to Curtis but he is a good guy from what I hear from everyone Markus is a good friend and doesn't deserve so much **** (Including coming from me) Dean seems like a good person, just not when he's around people that make him get all cocky Dale is funny and yeah
Hi Keeley
Hi Mark
Ew. Hah I'm kidding! Really nice, daydreams a lot in class haha and Jaide and Jordan are perfect for each other!
Sure, I know for sure they wont tell anyone... not just because they don't exist.
What last date?
To do stuff... and things, lots of things
Depends what Jade! But I'm guessing the one on my bus (Hi Tegan) She's a nice person, really shy around me. Not that I'm not!
Pants and a t-shirt.
I love you
Depends on the person and situation, of course sometimes I think it.
Alrightyy then
I don't know too many year 8's well but ; Sophie, Micaela, Brittany, Hayley and Tegan. Top 5 mates ; Ben, Mark, Azalea Top 5 nicest/prettiest year 9's ; Molly.H, Azalea, Connie and Amy (Not sure about the 5th)
2 of the most amazing people. I know it's bad to like 2 people but they are both honestly the most amazing people. Molly Hooper and Taryn Windridge.
You must be on facebook a lot to send that every time I link my thingo
Aim to be the best. The best there ever was. (also something I've wanted to do for a couple of years)
That no matter how nice you try to be no one gives a **** about your personality.
And who would this be?
How do you know that?
**** you. Was a good 6 months or so.
"Seen *enter time here*" Worse when it's the girl you like :/
That I'm a horrible person, weird, ugly and just not positive things
... seriously? Couldn't think of anything else? haha
I don't like fish
Really nice (Can be mean! haha) Keeley always talks about her aha
To have a good time! :)
Well the first question depends on if a little fat kid with a small p**** dresses the cow up. For the second question, for sure. Tickle me Elmo that try's to touch little kids private parts would be great!
Pretty swaggy