Josh Jenkins
What is your motto?
don't have one
thoughts on sophie carmichael?
attractive, nice, haven't talked in a while
What is your current state of mind?
What's under your bed?
a floor
Describe your life in 3 words
what the fck
You are actually so good looking omg *_*
What's missing in your life ?
so much
Rate yourself out of 10
Thoughts on MITCH o
ranga fetus
Hottest girls in 8d
Don't know anyone in that grade really..
Money or Loyalty ?
why can't we have both!
Last person you argued with and why ?
Mitch, about the ea servers and he's a p****
You're so fricken hot ;)
List everyone you've ever kissed
lol 1 person
Guess who (:
don't know :)
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
12 probably
Thoughts on rabica
don't talk much anymkre
5 hottest girls in 8B
honestly don't know who's in it
What are your thoughts on your fav cuz eva
don't have a fav cuz
Who told you they loved you last
**** are you serious another **** wants a go at you seriously he didnt ****in hit him it was a hip and shoulder have you ever heard of them
cheers anon
Did you hit jai dodemaide
no I didn't.
I'm only joking pal whitey11
yeah I knew
Why the **** did u hit me mate ? whitey11
didn't hit anyone mate.
Leave josh alone **** its apart of football he can help that he got the bloke in the head it was accadental josh is sorry so end of story!!
thanks anon!
Josh wouldn't hurt a fly lmao. Mady.g
haven't talked in ages, really nice
Snapchat or kik?
kik -jo5hjenkins
Leave josh alone.. Things happen. He can't help that it's happend, and he clearly didn't means it. Anon stop being such a ****, his sorry.. And that's it. Leave him alone, he dosnt deserve it! x
thanks anon x
You hit him more then once.
well no, I didn't hit him. I hip and shouldered him. Once. Not twice, I didn't even mean it. You weren't their. So don't tell me what happened. Cause I know.
Why'd you hit jai
I didn't hit him. I tried to hip and shoulder him as you would do in footy, and I accidentally hit his head. I didn't mean for it to happen at all and Im truly sorry about it all and hope he gets better soon.
A body part you think you could do without ?
Lol grace Evans, not Nuer, Hahahahahaha stupid idiot!
what about her?
Umm anon you said my name do you want something (Soz josh just talking to anon) gracenuer_
But Josh if you were a girl you would be flat you wouldn't exactly have 'boo*ies' to squeeze! :')
I'd have the biggest.
Thoughts on your class.
Best girl mates in your class?
not sure
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
Do know any people from staughton??
I heard that you hate lachie Stewart
well I don't.
Who do you like better. Dylan jobson or Lachie Stewart
their both alright I guess..
Top 4 hottest girls in your class
The last thing you bought ?
Fifa coins :')
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
don't like any of it, but probably have the **** you learn in maths
Why you don't like black girls
You and Rabica are a cc
yeah well no we're just mates
Rabica or Naima
Orla or Courtney
Tahleah or Hunter
Bryanna or Mady
both both tahleah both
Why do u just say lol to all the hunter qoohs u get
for your infomation I didn't ask for thoughts huntervanrooyen
for your Information, I don't care.
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
idk **** that doesn't make you bored.
Leave josh alone cause his thoughts on hunter are so true!
Would you either someone with a curvy body- big boo*s, small waist, big butt, or someone skinny
I don't care.
2 girls with big butts in your class???
Are my eyebrows really that bad? :( lol jks i know they're on fleek dw ✋ Naiimakoko
That's dog what you said about hunter, she's prettier than you ugly fat girlfriend grace and who cares if she moves from guy to guy, your just jelly cause you wish you where them guys
lol I have been one of them guys, not proud of it. And if she didnt want to hear my thoughts she shouldn't ask.
What do you think of hunter and Adrian!
I know your Lying. your a shìt liar. you like boys & I know ittttt Bryanna.hickey
shut up m8
have you ever been attracted to someone the same gender as you Bryanna.hickey
Loved the thoughts on hunter! She is a bit of a sl*t
Summed up hunter perfectly. Trolololol
Thoughts on Courtney f?
eyebrows are ****. joking! haha nah nice, funny dont talk a lot anymore tho!
your thoughts on hunter are pretty great!
That thoughts about her was absolutely amazing!:)
Thoughts on naima?
good chick
Honest thoughts on Hunter?
can move from guy to guy, quicker than usain bolt can run.
Hottest girl with the Best personality in Yr 8 ?
Thoughts on orla
don't talk a lot, nice, funny sometimes,
Thoughts on bryanna
best mate
Thoughts on mady
best mate
Thoughts on Georgia
don't talk, not sure
What does your perfect day look like?
Drated to AFL
Well, the name josh has 4 letters, 4 minus 1 equals 3, 3 times 2 equals 6, 666 is the devils number lel Naiimakoko
u can't even just pull numbers outta no where gosh
I can prove you're part of the illuminati. Naiimakoko
go on then.
thoughts on grace evans
haven't talked to her in a while idk.
Thoughts on shanae?
nice, funny, pretty.
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
not sure really
Your a really nice guy I srsly want to get to know you better
Kik me then! jo5hjenkins
do you like anyone?
Thoughts on Ashlee rassic ?
don't talk a lot not sure really.
3rd hottest girl ?
omfg, I don't know.
What are you allergic to?
bees I think
Name 2 hottest girls I'm ya class
Shanae and probs emilie
Hot girls ? In year 8
fk idk
Do you like hunter back? Haha
Name the top 4 hottest in ya class
their isnt really 4.
Fav: year 7 girl and boy, year 8 girl and boy, year 9 girl and boy & year 10 girl and boy
year 7, idk year 8 Bryanna and Brock, year 8 idk year 9 idk year 10 idk.
Do you like her back?
U think Shanae is hot seriously!
Hunter actually does like you she told me herself I swear!
I know..