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Send me any question will answer every single 1

47 Replies

What makes your life worth living?

Sport and certain ppl??

Josh_Legend11 replied 2787 days ago 1 1

What was the best decision of your life?

Playing soccer

Josh_Legend11 replied 2806 days ago 3

What will your child's name be ?

Girl- Chelsea
Boy- Alfie

Josh_Legend11 replied 2812 days ago 2

What's it like to be you?

Alright I guess

Josh_Legend11 replied 2823 days ago 3

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

Soccer season??

Josh_Legend11 replied 2829 days ago 3

Who do u think are the most popular girls at vcc ?


Josh_Legend11 replied 2833 days ago 2 2

who ya crushing on?

Can't say, sorry ??

Josh_Legend11 replied 2837 days ago 5

You just won $50 million from the lottery. What's next?

I would give loads of it to charity and family. I would also buy an awesome house!
Aswell as buy loads of stuff especially soccer boots?????

Josh_Legend11 replied 2842 days ago 1

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left to live?

Spend time with friends and family, tell them how thankful I am to know them. And hopefully play soccer for one last time

Josh_Legend11 replied 2845 days ago 2

Who is your favorite person and why?

Whoever scores for us tomorrow ????

Josh_Legend11 replied 2847 days ago 4

Whose your closest friend that is a girl ?


Josh_Legend11 replied 2850 days ago 8

Who is your best friend and why ?

Rebekah because she is amazing??

Josh_Legend11 replied 2850 days ago 8

If you discovered a new island, what would you name it and why?

I'd name it after Harambe, R.I.P ??

Josh_Legend11 replied 2855 days ago 5

What or who , do you think about the most ?


Josh_Legend11 replied 2857 days ago 4

What are u sick of right now?

People saying your a great mate, but really they don't give a sht about you!

Josh_Legend11 replied 2858 days ago 1