Mink pink? From Sam
What ?
Best mecs friend?
Trent, Rob, Sam, jack, Adam
Best looking year 7?
Erin deacon
thoughts on emilee
Lovely chick
Do you think jas goldsmith has good boo*s ?
J krins has better ones
Who's you best friend at the moment
Thoughts on Jake Fully
Good lad
Do you like Chelsea?!
As a friend
come dine with me ? did u join that TV show?
Never heard of it
Best looking year 8
Jemma d
Reply to my rage!
Who is this ??
We'll your qooh me was a good read
Thoughts on nat, tash, rose, amy?
All really nice
Yeah ah probs not, I don't give a **** about what you think of me nataliementiplay
Yes you do
Whoever keeps asking questions about me on this, can you please **** off nataliementiplay
It was most likely you
Thoughts on Natalie mentiplay
Already answered that
Thoughts on Natalie mentiplay?
She's okay
1 year 9 girl you get along with the most?
top 5 hottest girls at mecs in middle and senior
Emmi, ellie, Sarah, tahlia and Lauren
Are you and Nat still like together
You are the hottest guy I have ever seen
Ahah thanks
Honestly - do you and Natalie have a "thing"
Thoughts on Arnissa, Amy B and Natasha V?
All good looking and really nice
Fu*k you! I will do it
Do what ??
Drink ?
Soft drink is alright
1 girl you like most in year 9?
Not sure
Thoughts on Year 7s?
They're okay
When u gonna ask Ellie out
Why would I ask her out if I don't like her
U and Ellie are ment to be thou
Tbh sarah ellie caylen and you would make a good double date
Ahah umm okay
Whats the deal with you and ellie
We are just friends
Friend with best fashion sense
Caylen, Sarah, ellie
thoughts on taylahgerrard?
Seems nice
Thoughts on chasca Russell
Don't really know her but she was nice
You're really nice
Thoughts on jake Luke and will ?
Jake: freak at football and a good kid
Luke:good at football and a good kid also
Will: funny as and good at sport's
Three best guy and girl mates?
Caylen,Trent and puss Ellie, Sarah h, romina
Last time you cried?
I don't cry
You're an a*shole if I could get the chance I would beat the f*ck out if you!
Do it
What is your nickname?
Big Jones
You have a crush on Ellie ?
I have a big crush on you!
Inbox me
Your sister is hot
**** off
thoughts on natalie.m
Homo ****
How long would you like to live for?
As long as I can
Thought on that caylen forbes ****
He's okay
Favourite chick in year 9? (just1)
Not sure
Your Mum is so nice!
I know
Thoughts on Jake Fullerton
Best friend you could ever ask for
2nd favorite sport to play. Can't be footy
Basket ball or soccer
Strongest yr 9 guy?
Probably jack
Easy win against the dales on your photo such a **** **** you're, you guys nearly got done
Yeah we would have smashed them if we had a bench
Best friend (girl) you have know the longest ?
Emilee Barnes or ellie mcinnes
Do u still have a thing for Nat. M ?
Who would you take a bullet for?
My family
Thoughts on Emilee Barnes ? (:
She's a lovely girl
When are you going to ask elie out?
I don't even like Elle
who was your last hook up?
I don't know
You're a really great person.
when was your last hook up ?
I dont know
Who do you remember?
Kate, Molly, lachlan, Nick, keely
Remember anyone from Manchester?
Yeah, why?
Which yr 12s?
Don't even know aha
Rather fit or curvy chicks
Seriously the yr 12s ??
Well I got told you guys were cousins? So you would go there with her?
What do you look for in a girl?
I don't know
Would you get in with any of the year 12 girls?
Yeah I guess
Natalie mentiplay?
**** :)
One thing you hate
Lazy people
So if elli and you aren't cousins then, would you ever go there with her?
Yeah, Why would you think we are cousins ??
When's your birthday?
30th September 99
Georgia Kanen ?
She's great
What school do you go to now?
will you be at mecs in yr 10
please do something about all the qoohme **** of yours coming up in me news feed?! i dont care if you like boo*s or as* better!! ty ty
You said Emmi is one of ur favourite year nine girls and that she has the best personality but u to don't even talk that much and she thinks ur an absolute doshbag! Haha trust me I would know I am one of her real friends. Ur just saying that to look good!!
Well we actually do talk a bit in class so kys
Ahaha wow that's a trashy question ahahh
4 fave/best girls in order?
Your source of happiness?
Girl with the best personality in year 9?
Emmi or ellie
Favourite year 9 girls in order?
Ellie,Sarah,emmi,Sophie,romina,Naomi, then the
Thoughts on Ellie sarah Natalie
All really nice and really good looking
Favourite mecs teacher?
Mrs Forbes or Mr Wright