I can't stop thinking about you
Why?.. Who are you though?
Do you think your gf will bore you if you spend too much time with her?
Not at all
You keeping me out of my sleep Josh
What is your nickname ?
Certain people call me certain things..
Hey What's happening in your life these days?
Nothing new hey.. Just really busy with school
Happy Valentines day Josh
Thank you! Happy valentines day to you tooo!!
It's changed
Bad or good?
Does Nazzy have a new bbm pin?
Your behaviour and all
What's wrong with my behaviour?
Heyy josh!. This isn't a question but.. I just wanna say you're really amazing!! You treat everyone so nice! You're so honest and awesome and cool! And I love how you've matured! Stay the way you are pleeeezz?
Hii!.. Thank you so much for the compliment, those are such lovely things to say!
Like you just different
Different How?
Who do you chill with at school?
Nazley and Demi
Do you have a new number?
Is Demi lesbian?
No she's a into Guys wtf
What would you do if Nazzy just come up to you and kiss you?
I would shout her lol coz she's supposed to be my best friend..
Would you find it weird if I tell you I stalk you?
A little yes
Was it difficult to tell your parents that you and Kelsey date?
Not at all
Why does it look like people only ask you questions towards the end of the year??
I have no clue hey! But that's a good question!
I wish I was in your school :(
You have an amazing heart Josh
Thank you<3
How's life handsome??
Its good thank you
You guys still working at school?
Yes.. Allot
Great hey so what are you up to today?
School I guess hey.. N u?? Who Are you tho??
So how you?
I'm good thanks nd you?
My nigga my nigga
Lol okay?
Is Kelsey weird?
Yes but in the most amazing way
You're an Awesome human!
LMao! You are too!!
Do you do any cultural activities?
Like.. Att school??
Are you gonna do the Ice Bucket Challenge?
You're soooo S e X Y
Thank you!
How long do you workout per day?
45minutes - 1hr45mns Depends on how much time I have
What annoyed you today?
Is Abigayle and Ntsika dating?
I don't know
What makes people boring?
What's your highest score on flappy bird?
Have you ever failed a year/term?
Nope my grades are great
What are you going to do for 67 minutes?
I didn't do anything hey
By chance you going to Cape Town this year?
What wouldn't you do for a million dollars?
Drink H202
What's Kelsey's bra size?
None of your business
What's the biggest size dumbbell you lifted and how many times can you lift it in a repetition?
I don't gym too heavy but I've tried lifting a 45kg and could only do 9reps
How do you keep fit?
I Gym every Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday and Saturday
Some days i don't make it to the gym.. So I gym at home
Which soccer team do you support in the world cup?
Brazil... But I kinda have abit of support for Netherlands
How many can you do in a minute?
Haven't tried.. I'll sEe tomorrow.. Ask me again tomorrow n I'll tell you
How many push ups can you do in a row?
Allot.. I've gone over a hundred before
NaMe yOur 5 clOsest frieNds?
Demi, Nazley, Alia, Thando and Tristan,
On my fb account it says your account is deactivated
Well I still have whatsapp n bbm so if you need me I'm there
Please have $ex with me?? I want youR D up in my V
Lol sorry but no.. Mwah tho
Yoooohhh I Miss You
When was the last time that you saw me?
Why did you deactivate your facebook account?
I didn't deactivate it
Who's this ***** that's worried about Azraa??.. Azraa and Joshua are so distant the only time they are close is during L.o Sport.. So mind your busineSs Girly
You say you never near Azraa at school.....how is it that the pictures were then taken at school?
During L.O Sport it's Last period on the Field on a day two
PeRFECT answer you *exy thang!!.. Okay.. Are you writing Exams?
Lol thanks and yes
Suits and ties? Or Sweat Pants and snapbacks
Both actually... Different occasions to suit the style
Have you ever prepared a meal for your gf?
Yes on many occasions but it was nothing big I guess lol just something small
Do you have the flu?
No I don't know what it is... I haven't been to I doctor yet
What pictures???... I'm talking about school
Lol I'm never even NEAR her in school... I'm only with Nazley and Demi..
Coz you two look so close really close
Ag we are like cousins.. And are you talking about the picture on instagram?
Is Kelsey on instagram?
No we use the same instagram
Do you and Azraa have a thing on?
No why?
Right or left-handed?
Last time you cried?
Don't remember
I just have instagram, bbm, whatsapp, facebook and twitter
Nope don't have
I miss you *tear*
Tell me upfront?
What is the one thing you always do when you bored?
Play games on my phone
Post a picture of yourself with your muscles showing pls?
Lol where?
Mmmmmmmmmmmm Josh!!! You SoooOo CuTe!!! I wanna eat you up!!
Lmao! Thank you!!
Bbm or Facebook
I actually don't have recent pics hey... My most recent is on instagram
Upload some recent pics of you plEEeeAASEe???
Upload some recent pics of you plEEeeAASEe???
Upload them where?
F U C K I N G! S E X Y! B E A S T!!!
I saw you today at the Glen!! WOAH!! You're one FIiiIIiiiNE niggah!
Lmao!! ThaNK you hey!
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Who's your favourite and least favourite person on President?
Don't reaLly have hey.. Demi n Naz are my favourites tho
Can I tell you something over bbm and you promise you won't get mad and delete me?
I Promise <3
I stalk you lol
Lol then you're good coz I don't know who you are at ALL
You don't beat around the bush you come straight to the point and I like that about you
Thank yoou!!... But like... Sometimes it makes me seem arrogent
I wanna text you,call you but I feel like I'd be annoying you
Don't be silly... Just do it
Abigayle's whatsapp contact please?
Ask me over bbm can't hand my sister's number out to the public..
Bruh your gf is Too Beautiful imma steal her!
That's never gonna happen but thanks... She loves me and only me.. And I Love her and her Alone
What is your nickname?
Josh.. Joshy... JJ..
Ever had an embarrassing moment in front of your Gf?
Imagine yourself licking Kelsey's v*****
How loud do you think can you make Kelsey scream if you's would have *ex?
Not Your business
If you die tomorrow would you be happy with your life you lived?
No because I want to get to spend some time with Kelsey as my WIFE before I die!.. That's the main thing
How long would you like to live for?
How did you find out about this site?
Daniel Bc'd it over bbm
Going somewhere for the week?
How many people from your school do you have on here?
Don't you have like guy friends as well?
Thando, Tristan n Vuyi