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She's nice (: i don't know her that well but shes really nice
who? Pretty sure my friends aren't like that.. Don't judge a book by its cover
Mitch magee.. My best mate since primary school haha
Mikaela is such a good chick. Easy to talk to, friendly, caring and a genuine girl (: shes such a good friend and its always easy not talk then suddenly have massive talks (:
Shes such a caring chick and im so glad shes in my life
Kaitlyn, mitch, kelsey, carly, abbey, jezza, russell, sam, tyi, ash, cella, amy, f**an.. There's several more haha but it'll honestly take ages to list them all
One of my bestfriends? Not enough characters here to list my thoughts
Revive a deceased person who clearly should still be here but isn't.
I don't have a single best friend.. I have multiple, because each of them make me day in different ways
Shes cool
I never do anymore. Each to their own
Hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahaha umm I never said I was interested in her? That's weird as fck! Pretty sure I can hold a conversation with whoever I want? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I don't really know her. She seems like a decent girl, and she's going to do well in life if she makes good choices and stays true to who she is (:
Yes? Lel
Nope. And I never will.. I have morals which I stand by.
More than yoouuuuuu
Hate? I don't hate any girls or anyone really I'm simply stating the way I see things lately. I'm not going to sugar coat it. I'm not willy wonker.
Things aren't bad for me really. Whoever stays in my life I care about, if not then I suppose that's their loss. I'm pretty contempt on improving my life daily, relationships or attention can wait ive realised, there is bigger things to worry about in life, as depressing being alone is I'd rather my friends and family be happy and safe.
I've been screwed over a fair few times lately so who knows what I'm feeling.
I honesty don't even know anymore
Thanks (: Honestly, I just give a fck about people, I know what it's like to be sad and I know what it's like to have people there for me.. Some people are completely mental and if they don't appreciate what you do for themt, you know there is no point having them in your life.
I guess.
Is that even relevant?
Thanks beb xoxo
Oh thank you.. It's Nigel though. Not Ngl
Sunday.. Sunday... Hmm.... I honestly can't remember Hahahah.. Why? :/
But I'd wanna thankyou properly? And I'd open to giving anyone a shot?
And what makes you think I'd do that? :/
b**ty, shows you worked for it (:
Like what?
Hahaha what's stopping you?
I like to know who gives these compliments so I can thank them properly? (:
Well inbox me and I'll tell you (;
Come find out bby
Reveal annoymous
Finally, someone who gets it!
Sure bby :p
Cheers m8.. But you know I've got Facebook and you can inbox me these things :/
Well yes.. But they're pretty sensitive bby. Be careful. First things first I'm a realist.
I don't have any horses :'(
No one likes a girl who complains about ***holes either but still goes for ***holes? I'm not complaing about my attempts, I'm saying I'm sick of being nice to everyone and then if they show interest I don't really get anywhere for actually caring haha.. I think you've misunderstood everything anon
Hahaha complaining? Sorry but I'm just stating that lately when a girl has been interested, it ends up there. It's no one in particular though, just a general feeling I've gotten lately. Why don't you just tell me on Facebook? Secondly, I messaged you once huh? Pretty sure if it was once, I wouldn't want anything more than to just to get to know you.. Thirdly, throwing myself at every girl? Are you actually serious? I'm not throwing myself at anyone unless they're keen hahahahaha.
Talking to her would be a start. But usually when I show interest, the friendzone is where I end up. But if you're interested.. Hit me up
Few things: 1) They need to not complain about guys playing them. If they start to, move away. 2) A lot of them are *****es. Get your priorities right and stop with double standards. 3) They need to seriously reconsider their types. To many nice girls getting played and then when the odd nice guy comes along.. They still choose players. Sort it girls.
Best person to party with and such a nice girl (:
Type of person? The type of person I am today.. I didn't have a particular group, I floated from group to group.. I was vice captain and treated everyone equally. I've always tried to do the right thing by being nice, but these days it really doesn't get you far if people don't appreciate it.
Okay Hitler, pipe down
6 prettiest? Do you know how many pretty girls I know?
To make the next day better than the last.
She's a sweet girl.. A **** replier on Facebook but she has a good heart and means well
Mila Kunis would suffice
Hahaha apparently I'm catching a lot which is really interesting to learn. But yeah it entertains me too Hahahahaha!
Happily ;D
Nope, no one in particular
Well if we're talking about lifting McDonalds bags.. Yeah, it's definantly Matt.
**** driver (; but all around a mad chick (:
Does this thing have a word limit? I've got more than one, that are all related to my biggest regret.
Who's asking?
Lol no worries (:
I've got goals I wanna get too.
I've been accepted. I'm just waiting on a position to be avaliable in what I want to do.
Oh you're* so funny! But if you really want to know, I'm doing the army next year. That's why I go to the gym. I'm working towards something
Lol obviously I'm not serious.. :/ but you have good logic. Well done
The fU$k?
I don't know.. Gym sorta makes me feel good I guess.
Hahah I've got a fair idea of who's saying what. Thing is I'm doing what I want and I'm happy with how things are in my life.
I'm not talking to her? I don't have too. Nor am I ready too or want too.
Almost three years, but I'm happy with what's happening now. My friends have been there for me and I'm a lot happier off after everything
There's a reason.
I don't know? No? She's doing her thing, I'm doing minE
Lol how?
I haven't gained that much haha.. But thanks? :/ why don't you just inbox me?
Cheers ✌️
Cheers (: ✌️
You've* and yeah I have. For the better and it's thanks to my mates who dragged me from a really negative place.
Work? I don't know? Haha. What are you doing?
Haha nah. Gym
Hahaha loser
No.. I just love going there
Why not inbox me? Haha :/
Umm.. I don't know? I was sorta thinking of going to the gym.. Are you going out anon?
Hahah, I don't care who it is. Sh.its funny
Hahaha said who?
Hahaha apparently.. I'll be friends with who I want. I honestly don't care who says or thinks anything about any of my friendships lel it's my life, not theirs.
Supposed* hahah what are you even on about?
Yeah I am too (: she's a nice girl
Exactly! And people really need to learn to mind their own buisness, I'll talk to whoever the hell I want whenever the hell I want.
Plenty of people.
Lel I'm nice to everyone until someone does something to really annoy me and I have a solid reason not to be nice.
:/ firstly, what? Secondly, I'm not chasing anyone or anything so i don't know what you're on about.. And thirdly, it's pretty tough to call people names who can't defend themselves, although again I have no idea who or what your talking about lel
Maybe I have? That's for me to know anon.
I'm doing things day by day. Put it that way.
Well, yes I can. Because talking to her would have been a backwards step. Yeah, almost three years is a long time to going completely cold turkey. Did I want too? No. Of course not. But that decision was the best for me and for her to move on. Which she did.