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Joshua Jennings


You know what to do ✌

32 Replies

blackninjaaaaaa is skuxx Taleaa

So true!

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3667 days ago

Josh is a sickkunt . :') Khatimahjafari

I know I know

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3669 days ago

What would you change about one of your friends if you could ?

That they wouldn't ***** about me behind my back and act all nice to me in front of me.

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3669 days ago 2

know a girl by the name of leyla? leyla bafto?

No I don't , who is that?

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3670 days ago

How do you want to end 2014 ?

Watching the Sydney fireworks

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3671 days ago

Thoughts? Khatimahjafari

EWMAHGASH, its Khatimah! Tha short one

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3671 days ago

You sure Stevie's in your top 5?

There's someone else but shouldn't say aye? Keep it personal lol

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3671 days ago

Thoughts on me, your queen :pp losauinix

Your kickback, need to stop dobing on us in class

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3673 days ago

5 hottest year 8 girls at lsc

No certain order, Journie, Jonelle, Ashleigh, Maddie and Stevie?

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3673 days ago

thoughts xx

Nice to talk to, cool, kickback, were really close but drifted apart. Trust you a lot

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3674 days ago 1

black ninja wants a long tbh HAHA Taleaa

Tbh : Your really nice, funny, easy to talk with when you message me you stealthy ninja. I trust you, your nice to kick back with. We need to hang out at school more often. And to be honest you need to stop ignoring me when I say hey Ninja!!

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3674 days ago 1

What is your biggest fear?

Crazy people

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3674 days ago

Thoughts on Eliza, Maddie and Ashleigh?

Eliza : She's pretty, nice and cool to talk to when we do. Maddie : shes Cute , nice and really easy to talk to but haven't spoken for a while. Ashleigh : She's pretty, cool, may or may not have rudely hurt her on halloween. Fun to talk to when do.

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3674 days ago 1


Well while your at it grab me a soda?

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3675 days ago 1

im so weird journieB

I know right ✌

JoshuaJennings2128 replied 3675 days ago