Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Great person to talk to always happy
An awesome chick to chill and drink with! Can be a bit wild but overall a great person
Bones, kneebone, boner **** like that
Work hard, yes Play hard, yes
The freedom
A day where the sun is shining but it isn't hot
Bad hygiene
Don't really know her
Finger licking good
Till about 2 years ago
There is no go? I have literally seen her like 4 times? Unless her name is secretly beer or pizza then I don't make status' s about her
When it happens not going to rush fkr a certain age
Im good a cod, I can burp my abc and am an excellent sleeper
Great chick good to talk to and hang with, good to get closer with and good for a laugh
I love them both equally
Awesome chick good to talk to
Um I don't even know
Anyone in my family, and Jack and Isabelle
Awkward as
I'm not even trying hahaha.I spoke to her for a few days that's it hahaha get your **** together annon
I know this
There is no Alex and I. Probably never will be. So go away and stop posting about her, please and thank you.
Someone I shouldn't..
Like I ate your mum, right?
They aren't even questions they are statements you ****ing twat
Thanks Jess :)
Don't you think I've tried? Hahaha
And who is this haha? :)
The most honest and beautiful girl I have ever spoken to! Great to talk to and she is an awesome chick!
This evacuated quickly Hahaha do you have proof of this or is this just rumor? :)
Thanks man
Really nice chick, good to talk and very laid back
Nice girl and really good to talk to
What happiness?
Awesome chick good drinking buddy and pretty funny
There isn't enough money
Food, money for food and more food
That 'chick' is my beautiful girlfriend. Be jealous mother f***er
Pretty cute, good to talk to, need to ah chill soon
Look i dunno aout you, but $30 million is $30million dollars..
Yes ;)
Things just didnt work out..
Not wrapping up ;) Nah, trusting the wrong people and falling for wrong person.
I don't really know her, bet she's pretty cool, funny and good to talk to :)
Okay drendel, okay..
Because **** you that's why
Yes, many many many times :(
I know 2 who fit this, AJ and Maddy!
such a beautiful girl! So nice, caring, good to talk to and can cheer me matter what! I miss her
Terrible song
Ah I don't really know her.. She should though :)
possibly, how about you inbox me and find out?
No, she's just a friend. You're pathetic mate
Because you're a f***wit
We were really close friends. Grew apart and don't talk much anymore
Maddi is Maddi...hahaha
Knew this question would come.. She is an amazing person. She's. Beautiful, funny, smart, good to talk to and stands up for herself. Yeah we fight, but at the end of the day she is one of my closest friends
She's a beautiful young lady that I have known for years, so good to talk to and is really nice to everyone. And she is a.pretty funny drunk gaga
I'll bite your face kent
What the f*** aj...
Yes, but the real question is, who doesn't like penguins?
I am pretty good, how are you?
Hehe awh thanks cutie <3
I don't know!
I know right! :(
Ireland cause I know her better
What am i picking them?
nice girl I guess.
ANTONIO! how you doing se*y?
I found this very hard to respond to...
No, Ireland and I are just friends. Plus she has a boyfriend.