Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Don't fall asleep while watching a movie at 9pm
Aw! Thank you so much :3 good vibes for days bro <3
Thank you ??
Wouldn't a goddess be a girl?! :o Fk yeah have a mean muzz
Aw bby
I don't really have an under my bed haha
Tired as fck because I need sleep
I dunno, they have their reasons
Dreadlocks and kingdom hearts 3
Had some ups and downs tbh
A solid 4 on a good day
Kanye - Blame Game
I am a god
Hasn't been broken tbh.
Maree Theofan in like grade 1-2 I think
Eat, sleep, poop, same **** I do everyday
The answer is. A homo*exual green imp from with land named Steve.
Neither. They both end up screwing you.
Overthinking -.-
That I'm going to be late to work.
Marissa and Chloe broke up with me. But I broke up with Diana, I just lost feelings, **** happens
Nope :)
*lisps" Hi Samyyyyyy!
Well I asked him and he said he didn't. He's one of my best mates so I think I know him pretty fkn well. And I know Clayton would never do that to anyone. He told me he didn't so I believe him.
No I did not. I simply further explained what model I wanted. You just said Impala ;)
67 Chevrollete Impala
Do you even English? Dude, Clayton's one of my best mates and I know for a fact he's not a lying cheating jerk. Whoever fed you this information is wrong and should learn real facts about Clayton.
Currently Tayla. Previously - Chloe, Marissa and Diana
I see
U no is tru ;)
Your best physical feature has to be your eyes They are amazing :')
Not sure really
Paint it black - Rolling Stones ✌️Not 2014 but dgaf
Seasons 5-9 of supernatural Deodorant Wallet Belt Money And my favorite, a new shisha :33
Not a lot, didn't really like younger me.
Pretty great! Little bit of beef, but not much!
Damn straight you is ma nigga
Late 20's, early 30's. When it happens it happens.
Tayla Jade Gorman - Howell <3 :3
I am unsure. Far away from here thoigh.
Looks like you gotta buy a zebra ;)
***** cuunt
Gosh you creep. I'm not gonna give up myself like that. Have fun finding it :3
Yeah dude. I'll link you to it if you want?
Drown - Bring Me The Horizon
I dunno, never really thought about it :o
15 minute reading time, write as much as I can and probably sleep depending on how tired I am tbh
Pierce The Veil and Bring Me The Horizon :3
Costumes - M: Gavin F: not sure. Best dressed I dunno I didn't pay much attention tbh hahaha
Cheers!! It was kahlita Sacco :3
Happy 5 months princess ✌️️❤️️
Dad. He ma nigga.
I have been getting some shiit on here, but eh I don't care. People making accusations towards me over here just makes me laugh tbh. I keep it open because I get bored and people sometimes entertain me on here :3
Haha. A few things tbh.
Seeing Tayla, Kahlita is doing a trial for my muck up day costume and may go James'
Have to wait and see.
I love you Tayla.
A what? I'm sorry I cannot understand your language as that doesn't allow swearing, so tbh I have no fkn idea as to what you mean by ****... People drift, I apologize that my prediction into the future was wrong. I cannot for sure make the prediction that I am going to stay close with everyone can I? And I have no clue as to how me dating Tayla has anything to do with my friendships? She goes to a completely different fkn school, so I see her afterschool, and tbh before I started dating her I barely even hung out with people after school. Since I started dating Tayla I have been more happy than ever, and I actually enjoy being happy in a relationship. I'm sorry that I'm actually putting my happiness first for once in my life.
I love you Baker
Hard..Someone must be a little upset over my list of best mates lelel
Different ways. People I met through Tayla, others through school/dancing.
Kahlita is Tayla's friend who I became close with. Who else is new?
The fact that I got a girlfriend has absolutely nothing to do with the reasons why I'm not close with some people any more. Stop making fuucking assumptions about my fuucking life. Who I concider my best friends is completely up to me. My decision, no one else's.
**** to you too. People drift.
This. Exactly. All of the people but two are who I thought were my best friends before I even met Tayla. So plz calm your **** anon.
All good.
James- He's a my best mate, he's more like family. I've known him for like 5-6 years and he's been one of the best mates I've ever had. He's such a faag, but he's my brother and I love him like family. Tayla- I love Tayla with all of me. She's my beautiful girlfriend and my best friend, she's just perfect. My rock. She's got a pretty mean taste in music ;) Rene- Just like James she's more like my little sister than a best friend, she's always there for me when I need someone and I'm so glad to have her in my life. Kahlita- She's my homie, she helps me when I need it and she always knows what to say! Clayton- He's the best kid, always makes me laugh till I cry, would do almost anything for him. Tesh- She's my playa, my best friend who I am a complete and utter fuccking retard with and she'll be just as retarded, even on places like trains she'll be weird with me. One of the closest friendships I have formed in the last year and I'm so glad I became so close to her. And everyone in this list.
James, Tayla, Rene, Kahlita, Clayton, Tesh
I love you too baby
I don't know how to do CPR..
That I'm mean. Or always happy, one of the two
Telling people I was okay when I was upset or pissed off.
Because you poop all the time. God you're worse than me!
I will survive anywhere. The Great Mighty Poo stands no chance!
Shot duuuude! H8ers can fk offfffff. ily homeslicccceeee
Haven't spoken in a while. But we were real close once, she's a good kid, nice.
No I did not :)
I am unsure.
Indeed it does white boy.
Why does this concern you?
When all of your friends hate you, you try and make other friends who deserve to have you around. If your friends hate you and they show it then they don't deserve to classified as a friend.
Good kid.