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Justin Hawke


Ask away!!! I'll answear as truthfully as I can ;)

20 Replies

How big is your TV?


Juzzlez replied 4083 days ago

how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck norris?

The amount of wood that woodchucks would chuck on a given day varies greatly with the individual woodchuck. According to a Wall Street Journal article, New York State wildlife expert Richard Thomas found that a woodchuck could chuck around 35 cubic feet of dirt in the course of digging a burrow. Thomas reasoned that if a woodchuck could chuck wood, he would chuck an amount equal to 700 pounds. Some say it depends on three factors: 1. The woodchuck's desire to chuck said wood. 2. The woodchuck's need to chuck the aforementioned wood. 3. The woodchuck's ability to chuck the wood when it is a woodchuck Using the formula: (W + I) * C where W = the constant of wood, which is well known to be 61, as agreed in many scientific circles. I = the variable in this equation, and stands for the word "if" from the original problem. As there are three cir***stances, with 0 equaling the chance that the woodchuck cannot chuck wood, 1 being the theory that the woodchuck can chuck wood but chooses not to, and 2 standing for the probability that the woodchuck can and will chuck wood, we clearly must choose 2 for use in this equation. C = the constant of Chuck Norris, whose presence in any problem involving the word chuck must there, is well known to equal 1.1 of any known being, therefore the final part of this calculation is 1.1. As is clear, this appears to give the answer of (61 + 2) * 1.1 = (63) * 1.1 = 69.3. However, Chuck Norris' awesome roundhouse kick declares that all decimal points cannot be used in formulas such as this, and so it must be rounded to the final solution of 69 units of wood. How Chuck Norris got involve: A woodchuck would only chuck as much would as Chuck Norris would allow it to, because the woodchuck shares Chuck's name. Therefore, Chuck must punish it and make it chuck as much wood as Chuck can. So, a woodchuck would chuck as much wood as Chuck could.

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago 1

Monica Gregg and Madison Hellwege, gosh Justin.

Monica Gregg: Well... Madison Hellwege: Good hockey player, and fun to muck around with. Loves Anime as much as me muahahahahaha

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago 1

She's not really. Sozza Justin

Oh man, You really had my hopes up. :'(

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Thoughts on Monica?

Which Monica ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Thoughts on Maddy? ;)

Which Maddy

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Emily Tisler.

Dunno she's pretty easy to get along with, She takes my jokes really well. Plus she them talks smack or whatever back. Did you know I hooked her up with her lover, now she calls me her Ultimate Wingman! ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Maddys into you.

Hahaha, I'm sure she is (Sarcasm)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Maybe she's into you.


Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Thoughts on Emily?

Well depends on which Emily you're talking about. ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Who would you recommend for Maddy?

I don't know... I don't really know the guys she's into ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago


I call your swag and I raise you "Class"

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Hey angel, you da *exaay! ;)

Thanks ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Justin Hawkster

Anomonomonymous ;)

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago

Cause I'm a duck. Quack

I'm so Jealous. :'(

Juzzlez replied 4093 days ago