How am I super to check
Super dooper
What collie hair in girls
Check your self
Girl with blue brown or green eyes?
Fav song of all time
This is me and my sister favourite song it's called closer to the edge
She's stubborn and argumentative how do you like that?
Isn't everyone at times
Rate yourself out of 10
I can't lie I'm a 10
What do you like about her
Favourite car?
Not really into cars so don't care
What's something Taylah really wants you to do?
Come to shepp
What are you thankful to Taylah for?
Taking her time to call me
What's the meanest thing Taylah has ever said to you
Favourite sport l?
Basket ball
What helps you sleep at night?
She is not perfect oh my god what the fck hahahaha
Yes she is
She is not even pretty haha
She perfect
Do you WANT to be with Taylah
What happened last knight
Don't worry
That wasn't the question! Do you WANT to?
Who's the song by
Chris brown w/ x tyga
I just want a onest answer why do you hurt Taylah
I think she got her payback last night
Do you even want to be with Taylah
I can't :/
If you could go anywhere in the world with anyone where would not be and who with?
Tessa smith is one of holleys friends that apsolutly hates Taylah.
I had enough at Holley friend
Tessa smith is more your type.
Because Taylah probs wants to know just doesn't want to ask
They do?
What do your friends think of Taylah?
Why do you care
Why don't you message her?
Why don't you go away
What's doing
Going to sleep so laters
Would you answer if she called later
Most likely
So you wish you did date that birch?
Go away
Are you glad you didn't?
Well it's true she's a rude self centered btch why did you even date her
I didn't
Was that meant to be on anon!
Ask her
Omg she's such a btch!
Haha none of that
So you and Taylah haven't sorted it out yet?
Who knows anymore
Never said you did? lol voices in your head? taylahkirby
Your family looks so cute in your pp
Thank bruh
If your looking for attention this is the funniest way to do it :') taylahkirby
I didn't start anything
you were once to..remember what happened. taylahkirby
Look out we have a new couple coming in
I think Kane's just my best friend so idk what your problem is taylahkirby
Best friend guys
Taylah likes you
Are you ok?
I think Taylah likes kane
I think so to
Your mum wouldn't be proud of you she up in heaven killing her self again your such a fck up
My nan thinks I'm cool though
Mate I wouldn't even bother asking you questions.... Don't bring me into this Holleymcdonald
Well don't bother to come onto my qooh me
Everyone is turning on you, I'm here for you jye you've done nothing wrong
Will you sleep tonight
Yeah I'm staying up bye the fire all night
Wud right now
Sitting by the fire
Mate don't bring me into your sht!! Jordo_222
No more sht to be brang into
What's the plans for tonight
Going out camping
Did you know that would be your last call
Already answered this
Talk to her aka message her
I would but yeah and is thus Jordan or Holley asking me these questions.?
Go to friends then
Yeah like that's gonna work n all
Let her Message you
She can but its just gonna do this all over again and were not gonna meet for ages so yeah
Did she know it was the last call?
Have to ask her
Message Taylah
W e r e o v e r get that threw your head no more talking dumb A$$
Did use know that would be your last call
This is a 4 way question between "the group"
Sorry mate there isn't "the group"
Wud today
Riding motorbikes
Have you moved on yet?
What's your favorite photo of Taylah?
Bit weird
Something you want Taylah to do
What is she ment to do
You'll find someone better
There is no one better
What are you thinking about right now?
Why did i ever answer that call.
She loves you to death you know
You should really get some sleep!
I can't
What positions does she play?
Idk back or shooter
Why don't you like them?
Go away
Do you like answering all the questions about Taylah?
No can you fück off
What sport is she best at?
What are the cutest things she does?
She's pretty cute when she's mad
Depends on what?
Depends what your asking
Cutest thing she does?
Theres a few
Do you even know her that well?
What's her dream job?
Hair dresser idk
What her middle name?
Jayne Victoria
What are you gonna do now?
Get on with life what else am I ment to do
Do you want to stop talking to her?
Why can't you sleep?
Mmm hmm
Why aren't you asleep?
I can't sleep
What have you dreamt about about her?
Message me
What color eyes does she have?
Howuch do you think about her?
To much
If she was going to die what would be the last thing you want her to hear from you?
That's fcked up and I'm sorry for everything I done that I'll always love her no matter what sorry for making her cry just everything I haven't said sorry for.
Have you ever dreamt about her?
Something your gonna miss?
Voice laugh calls waking up with her text everything
If you got to spend 1 day with her what would you and her be doing?
Saying sorry for everything that I have done and cuddle her
Who of your family know her?
To many people
Just with looks what's your top 3 favorite things about her
Smiles eyes hair