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Thanx Shaz bt osa wara..I knw hr shem pity shez not PRETTY enuf? 2 reveal hrslf Ms
Lol thanx alot ey 4 ur info botle ba monna bo kgetsing:)
Only if I knew the code#@%?
Uhmm..lemme c..U I suppose lol
OMW!!! Whr da hel u got dat lol infact watcha just wrote its Contradictory!
Age is nun buh a %#!!!
WTF!!! Ive been knwn as Kasta evn b4 Semenya came in2 existance INFACT b4 she knew wu da hel he is lol
Player, Womaniser or Cheater ai lol
Funny Impatient Outspoken