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Caleb Harris



108 Replies


You know I can't hear none of that "spend the night" sht

Kai_Deuse replied 2436 days ago

What instantly makes you attracted to a person?

Their smile

Kai_Deuse replied 2464 days ago

Okay does your gf have a white accent but have opposite skin colour?

Nah faiq man ?? I dont even have a gf

Kai_Deuse replied 2473 days ago

What’s your age range for dating?

Don't have a specific range, but I ain't a chicken murderer.

Kai_Deuse replied 2473 days ago

As you grow older, What are you starting to hate more and more?

Hating nothing
Loving life
Being happy
Making others happy
That's all it's about

Kai_Deuse replied 2526 days ago

Your greatest accomplishment?

Being happy. A lot of people can't do that.

Kai_Deuse replied 2541 days ago

How old are you?

No wins call it timeless
No ends coz I'm timeless
But for real tho

Kai_Deuse replied 2545 days ago

What's the rudest thing a guest has done at your house?

Ate all my snacks without asking ? she's no longer my friend tho

Kai_Deuse replied 2546 days ago

What is the dumbest thing you have done today?

Had a date

Kai_Deuse replied 2555 days ago 1

How oldy ari youw?
Dude cani youw borow meh a dictianari

Shut the fck up I don't want your conversation
Wanna see nirvana but don't wanna die yet

Kai_Deuse replied 2571 days ago

I heard Zoe likes you?
But you have a chick so relax.

I'd rather live outside
I'd rather chip my pride
I'd rather go to jail
I've tried he'll
What would you recommend I do?

Kai_Deuse replied 2571 days ago

Why did you delete your instagram??

Fireflies by Owl City still goes in⚡⚡
And to the million fireflies(people) I'm weird coz I hate goodbyes

Kai_Deuse replied 2577 days ago

please can i have your number?
might just be my new boyfriend

You know when you're playing COD or GTA V
And you're just like "I'm so dead"
Yeah that's everyday of my Life

Kai_Deuse replied 2578 days ago 1

What do you say to the haters?

Please move aside you are blocking my light with your shade

Kai_Deuse replied 2578 days ago 1

What did your last relationship teach you?

You don't have to be in a relationship with someone you don't like
But that was in primary school??? relationships are dead now
Anything to flaunt your love life instead of being involved in one
It's sad how they say goals but have none

Kai_Deuse replied 2578 days ago 1