Thoughts on Livvy Monsant?
Nice funny and pretty
Thoughts on meh? :) Bonny.j.f
Very funny kind and attractive..
mwwwwwwwwl mwwwwwwwwl mwwwwwwwwl mwwwwwwwwl mwwwwwwwwl mwwwwwwwwl
Inbox me... ;)
Thoughts on caitlyn edge
After everything weve been through i like to think were friends but i dont know... :( other than that shes amazing!
Thoughts on Georgia McGowan
Shes cool
Who is your favourite family relative?
Would have to say either will and jack (cousins) or Jesse and Harley
why do you act like a **** head at school trying to be cool?
I don't try to be cool if I wanted to be cool I would go hang out with my cousins and all of them... I don't try to be cool I just do stupid **** a lot!
Thoughts on Kaesha?
Honestly don't really have a comment all I has to say is just because we're not going out anymore doesn't mean she has to act like were enemy's!
Thoughts on Jake Parkes?
I suppose he's alright but I honestly don't like him all that much needs to treat girls better..
Thoughts on Laney Robinson
I'm I love with her! She's perfect!
thoughts on caeleb burnett???? :P
He's cool! :)
Hurt Laney.... And you'll get what'd coming for h. Look after her, she deserve to be happy :)
I will promise I know she does! :)
When are you going to ask out Laney? Its obvious you like her and everyone is saying that your tuning her.
I'm were going out? Lol
Thoughts on brooke matthes!
Why do I keep getting asked this lol like a I said a million times she's pretty cool and funny
on the tune with laney r ya????!!!!!!
Um No. Why? Does everyone think that?
Heyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!! :P
Hey! :)
Do you like brooke
As a friend she's pretty cool
I love you!! Be mine!!!
Haha inbox me on face book
Now that your single will you go out with me?
Depends who it is haha
And another one. All done. :)
Guess what!!?? :D I'm asking you a question. XD
Oh really? Haha
to the people asking kaiden if he loves kaesha please f*** off, he loves her and as long as they both know that, then its fine. leave him alone and get on with your life. if you have a problem with it then please, sit on a catus. thanks
Oh and don't forget to rotate on it!
Do you even love her.?.
Yes why wouldn't I? I'm some prick that's like that
You still going out with Kaesha.?.
Yes I am
Why are people saying you like Laney..?
I don't know don't ask me ask the people who are saying it.
What is Laney to you
A sister nothing more noting less
thoughts on laney robinson
Awesome!!! I'm her oppa haha
What do you think or Kyra Knight?
She's pretty funny kind hang out with get at school don't talk much tho
Would you eat shi* to save your family?
Name 3 people you trust?
Kaesha Laney kybie
Great bloke! :)
Thank you!!! :^)
Yolo mcswagens
Would you take a bullet for a friend even if it kills you?
Why do you feel like s*ck a prick?
Too hard to explain sorry
You're going out with keasha and you say kylie's alright
Allright as in personally
What's the point any more Kaiden!
Than don't honestly stop talking on this inbox me!!!
No because you won't answer me!
Yes I will I am right now arint I!?
I can't inbox you because you would never answer. And we wouldn't know what to say...
Do it!!!!
You are being a complete as*hole!!!
Righto just inbox me
I have been the biggest jerk to you! And I'm so sorry! I wish there was something that I could to do fix everything and make things how it was before.. :/ I'm so so sorry Kaiden!
Well inbox me and stop being stupid and over acting to it
You make me cry :(
Sorry!!!!! For ****s sake!!
DO YOU Like kylie?
Mm not really she's allright
Would you slap a parent for $30 Million ?
Of course!!!
ahahaha :')
What the! Haha
Your such a cutie.!
You are! ;)
Guess who Bit** t***!!
It's runny coz she's not going out with anyone
Wish I was your girl <3
That's cool? :)
Your the best friend anyone could ever wish for... ;)
Haha thanks ;) either kaesha jack or Tia? Lol message me on Facebook
You're a good friend mate (:
Cheers who's this? ;)
All of you back of and leave Kaiden alone! None of you really know the Kaiden I know. Kaiden is one of the most nicest and caring guys you will ever meet! Maybe if you guys stopped saying shi* to him then maybe he'll be nice to you. JUST BACK OFF! K
Thanks :)
Something you wish to have but cant afford?
A proper gaming PC
wiped cream or bananna split? hah
Never had it lol
Did you go out with Julia Mitchell?
Yeah ages ago a couple of times
Your a funny one! you cant fight your own battles big toughy
Says you stop being such a cocky prick how bout you grow some ball and inbox me huh calling me a Pusey
Whos the girl who got away? icecoffe.
Either Julia Mitchell or Caitlyn edge..
Thoughts on Jess Wills?
She's funny kind
Why is practicly everyone using this page to bully you? icecoffe.
Because there low life's and nothing g else to do?
Who was your first love?
Caitlin edge
Can't fight your own battles aye? Gotta get your brother involved. weak prick
Lol nah I can just its funny watching cocky pricks get there's heads smashed on
I love you. Will you go out with me?? Xox
Lol piss off
Youre not cool.
Good on ya
You going to be a firefighter really?
So what of I want to be its my life I can do what want with it if you have a problem then piss of
Your not a pro Ahahaha 😋
Yes I am!!!! Lol
You drive me crazy!! ;)
Thanks? :)
Oh my gawd I honestly don't give a **** see what happens if you actually so end up bashing me you will have my brother after ****
Ha, you're calling kylie and Brooke a Bit** cause your girlfriend decided to be a wanna be slu*
How come I'm getting involved iin other people's ****? That had nothing to with but kaesha! And the fact your saying on all this **** on anon is pathetic if you had some balls you would tell me on Facebook
Your right kylie is a Bit**....
Haha yeah man
Haha, very tough baby
Haha I never I was gonna do anything mate
your f***ed in the head.
brooke and kylie are not the biggest Bit**es in the school! your the biggest **** in the school grow the f*** up or ill smash your face in dog
Nice to know you do that and see what happens mate,
Thoughts on Jordan price
Read wha I said before
Everyone that's picking on Kaiden, can grow up and leave him the f*** alone. I don't care about what he has said or done or any shi* like that, whether they are rumours or not, what has been done has been done. So grow up, get some maturity, leave him alone :)
Haha thanks who Is this?
Kaesha is the one that makes the most shi* up
Look I really don't car who's does just stop gettin me involved
Next time you call my girlfriend annoying cause she hits you. Have you ever asked her why?
What who are we talking about?
why are you such a disrespectful little f***!?
I'm not really i just get really anoyyed when people go on and on about ****
how is jordon being a mas*ive **** to darcee?
Just is ok?
Thoughts on Tia warren
She's awesome ma bestie ;)
Thoughts on Ally Clark. Bit** t***
Haha she's funny and a bit anoyying at times with the hitting and ****
i heard u hate kybie, is this true?
and if so why?
No it's not
Do u prefer Laney then Kaesha
Are you Bi? ^.^
Yeah how did you know?
Thoughts on Laney Robinson
Really funny nice kind sweat like a sister :)
thoughts on Adelle King & Jayme Shead?? Delle
Adele: She's cool, nice funny Jayne: don't know her that much but she seems pretty cool
You need to stop changing your perspective on things so others think you're cool! You're a rad dude & will naturally form friendships if you just stop asking for attention. Trust me on this one. Believe in yourself!
Wait what how am I doing this?
We'll can you stop putting so much status's up..?
Or you can tell me who you are so I can unfriend you or you can do it yourself?
Kaiden, you don't need to keep on putting qoohme status on Facebook. If someone wants to qoohme you they will. Don't ask everyone to because one time something it's going to hurt you on what is said.!!
Know I'm not It doesn't offend me!
thoughts on darcee?
She's awesome she's like a sister always there for advice when I need it! :)
Don't listen to the retards Kaiden, you and Kaesha are perfect together. :) ~Courtney
thoughts on tayla hosking?
Um she's allright from 208 but I don't know now
thoughts on jordon price?
He's a good mate but ATM his being a massive **** to darcee
Thoguths on brooklyn matthes
Don't really like her that much after what she did to kaesha "twice" it was really rude..
maybe... aha
"Maybe" haha :)
no problem, :)
Is it darcee? ;)
you and kaesha are perfect together!
Cheers who ever this is haha,