942 Replies

Would you fck me?


Kailamackayxox replied 3042 days ago

What have you never truly gotten over?

my depression & anxiety even tho they are not really there although my anxiety is no doubt about that :') just not as bad

Kailamackayxox replied 3068 days ago

What are you looking most forward to in 2017?

being away from here, having a life

Kailamackayxox replied 3068 days ago

What was the last lie you told?

that I didn't stay up late probs

Kailamackayxox replied 3101 days ago

What was your first kiss like?

we were out the front of my school, we wanted to "practise" kissing.. and they hurt my lip lool. this was in primary school

Kailamackayxox replied 3116 days ago

What's stopping you from being the best version of you?

fear,anxiety and where I live.

Kailamackayxox replied 3130 days ago

If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?

Vegan as fck (quote that weird guy who did the vegan v***** video)

Kailamackayxox replied 3147 days ago

What are you tired of seeing on social networks?

Pokemon go and anti-vegan sht lmao

Kailamackayxox replied 3151 days ago 2

Are you doing an interview with shepparton news and numurkah leader?

Yeah I already did, over the phone and email :)

Kailamackayxox replied 3153 days ago

Make a confession

I hate people who try to be too aussie, I think it's feral in all honesty, its just so bogan and gross. Like the overly bogan accent, the footballers, the hunters, the fishers, and farmers (some)
like stop you stick your hand up a cows A$$ on a daily basis and you think you're top sht

I mean I have nothing wrong with people who like football etc its just always those people who are the bullies you know

Kailamackayxox replied 3161 days ago

I'm not trying to be rude or anything i just wanted to let you know that Macca's fries aren't vegan/vegetarian, they use animal fats in the oil they are fried in

They are vegan, it's the american ones that aren't. it even says on the maccas website that they are cooked in canola oil so, but thanks for the info

Kailamackayxox replied 3162 days ago

You better not give ****jobs, soz to break it to you but that would make you non vegan.

Why do you care what makes me vegan and what doesn't, chances are you're making zero change in this world, and you just have a threatened ego.
b*** j**s are vegan because it's not causing harm to anyone unless you hurt them.
But thats a stupid accusation and I honestly feel sorry for you.

Kailamackayxox replied 3162 days ago 1

I would but like shes not producing it at the moment unlike you. We are all bloody animals, you drank your mums milk once, so you really cant be vegan.

You are a fcking idiot, you do realise that you're meant to drink your mother's milk, like I said.
one reason i'm against dairy because it's meant for the calf not humans.
Not your mum, not your milk.
We are the only species to drink milk in our adulthood and from another species. it's unnatural.

Kailamackayxox replied 3162 days ago

i just want milk that tastes like milk, suggestions... i thought i should here it from the same breed that make the milk

thats right, i'm a mammal, I make milk just like every other mammal.

so go get milk off your own mummy like you're mean't to

Kailamackayxox replied 3170 days ago

Which was the best year of your life so far, and why?

probably 2010 nothing bad happened just shts and gigs, worst would be 2014, egh not even going to say why :/

Kailamackayxox replied 3192 days ago