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Miss her heaps! and love her so much xxx
to many to name xx
nothing happened! All I did was state I didn't leave I didn't say they did anything nothing happened just leave it
seems really nice and pretty!
love her so much! and miss her loads perfect girl! xxx
oh grow up
Funniest and most caring girl! Became so close to her while away together ! Best time! Always makes me laugh and she's a great person xxx
There's heaps but I really trust imo and haz a lot!
they'll know who they are!
Never left. :)
I'll admit me an veronica don't seem as close :(
so gorgeous! And the nicest girl! haven't spoken or seen her in a long time!
So pretty and nice and so very willful haven't spoken in a while xx
Hahaha odd question but she's a grouse little pony such a gun a huge little **** and is so much work but teaches me heaps and can go a far way fav little girl xxxx
Ahaha yout strange! And your the nicest girl so So caring always there for me your a good as friend and and amazing rider! I love you and miss you heaps xxxx
your so so nice and funny and good to be around with! and your really good at riding! haven't seen you in a whole though ! :o
I don't know didn't take that much notice
love you lots :*
what the **** are you on about hahahsha
I don't care as I most likely hate you to :)))
silly girl
yes yes
can't when your on anon
a name would make it a bit easier
just because I'm not with them 24/7 doesn't mean I've ditched them! I still always talk to them and I still love them all so much
so nice and pretty ! xx
Haha ahh
I haven't
What are you on about
hahahaha oh my god
yeah I'm pretty good
both flogs
few people !
aw Laura :((( talk to me ! xxx
Oh Molly you're so cute! but I've never hated you goose! I love you heaps and I'll always be here! miss you heaps though :(( xxxx
who's this!
Love you heaps Molly! don't worry you won't cxxxx
we could make this a song
alright I am
im a wizard
thankyou! :)
I have a few :{
aw! Thankyou so much xx
yeah wbu
Hehe she is but thanks
only 14hh! :( xx
Yay let's go now
and you are?
everything that has to do with horses
biggest idiot ;) more dumb then me ;) nah Rhys is funny as and good as to be around nice as to and he is so nig
Who's someone
Missed luke heaps was good seeing him today! But he is so nice and attractive and loves his mangos ;) he is always there for me and I'm always there for him to! he has the best body and he is a nice boy as he Carrys my food for me hehe and yeah love lukeyyyyy
Can't choose 5!
hahahah hahahahahah ok
Doesnt matter
I love jack! He is actually the best person to be around and he is so so funny and nice and attractive and is actually a really good person to talk to! I've told him pretty much everything, I trust him so much! And he always can cheer me up when I'm down!he is probably the first person I always go to if I ever need someone! Dunno what id do without him! Jack is one of the best people and one of my bestest friends hehe
just great
aw thankyou heaps! come talk to mexx
long time gahah
aw thankyou heaps! xxxxx
hahah oh here it goes again ;)
nun ya
stupid stars
don't be a ****wit like I was in 2013
ahhaha dunno don't take notice
Don't know him that well but he does seem really nice and funny
big enough
used to be close now never really talkk but, he is so funny and nice as and great to talk to love jack!
Okay !!! xxxxx
Hahahaha oh **** yeah ahahh
uh I don't have one and I'm Scottish from my dad, then Ireland and English from me motherrrrr but no accent
There would be a lot, but at the same time as bad as it can be, sometimes it's good to learn from your mistakes and all those things happen for a reason so idk
I told him to shutup ? after he was being a c unt to Veronica holy **** I'm the worst person on the earth wow wow wow **** sorry, babe go look what he has done to everyone ahha ****
I did have *ex with your hair because it asked me to it's just so luscious ehheeeh c'mon Laura ya loved it
I love you so much !!! Xxxxx
Hehehehe your the strange one chicken :* :*
Don't know him very well but he is nice and seems funby
yeah I'm not but ok
haahha ahahhahaha I'm really not but okay
don't swear omg
kinda yeah kinda nah
aw thankyou, but no way!
inbox me then
Nope always happens
just go for it
quite a few things