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yeah probs not
My pet rock called bree
*exy and free like glitters raining on me
I love you too f***** <3
My girlfriend
Thank you!
I'm perfect
HAHHAHA WTF but dey blue ;) ;) ;) ;)
I reckon, ne and skazlic are going tanning this weekend
That kid is the most complacent kid I know HAHAHAHA na he's a sick kid, good at basketball and pretty funny, I'm glad i've gotten to know him better this year
my girlfriend
I love her a lot
nice girl, good to talk to and pretty funny :)
which jungle HUH?
I wax them twice a day
Bree isn't 4 stars, she's 5 stars *****
ummmmmmmmmmm no000000ooooo()
Probably not gonna happen
Stealing is against the law
She's all mine
I don't have a favourite song of all time but my favourite song right now would have to be Butterfly by Crazy Town
No thanks buddy
Cheers bro
Teleporting woo
Lots of things
Thank you :')
She's a ****head HAHAHHA nah she's a funny girl, I trust her a lot and she's fun to be around, but she's too slow
Yes :)))
It sure has
No one at the moment, I'll be able to give you a differnt answer very soon though
Monica Jane Abela
I would like to thank Her
ripper of a bloke
i don't make mistakes
I wasn't talking **** for starters, how about next time you get the story straight so you don't look like an idiot when you come up to me over nothing, hitting me would not be wise either, just saying, act your ****ing age and if you have a problem with me, inbox me or talk to me privately, not in front of the whole school
I sure have
love every day of the week
Pardon me
The rumours are true
lol who even are you
You're actually the coolest, you're so nice, approachable and very good to talk to! Best hugs as well
Such a sick kid, funny ****, got the best taste in music and we gotta kick it sometime!
Feelings lol ew
Such a nice girl, great to talk to and you're a gun at basketball :)
quite an interesting character, not really many thoughts, personally I think shes a bit of a spaz but hey, each to their own
Not bad, should inbox me bro
DO ITTTTTTTT HAHAHHA nah hes actually the funniest kid i know, makes me laugh all the time with his snapchats, such a good kid as well
absolute sick ****, you're a funny **** and we gotta kick it sometime
well yeah
idk really but people call me kanbri a lot, like no, stfu
Long enough to be satisfied with what I have done in my life when I do die
Missed her heaps, old kane is back now though
Finding out I've been getting lied to for a while
ahahhaha yess thats the way ;)
I like you, you should inbox me
I like this, this is good
I have nothing to be happy about anymore so I just sit in my bed thinking about where everything went wrong and how everything ****ed up when everything was going perfect
nah we weren't but what we shared was very special, its a shame it had to end so soon
na mate, im the cheeseburger
If you've been going to maccas and buying a six mcnugget meal your whole life and then one day you decide to order a cheeseburger meal, and you order the cheeseburger meal every time you go to maccas for the next couple months, eventually you're gonna miss all the memories you had with your six mcnugget meals and as much as you love a good cheeseburger, you realise you still love six mcnugget meals, despite majority of people preferring cheeseburgers over nuggets.
im feeling *exy and free
not even chantelle
Not chantelle
unfortunatley not
All good things must come to an end
sickest *****
to get my willy wet
We are mates now
Swiggity Swoogity Izzy's got no b**ty
I really hope so
Anything and everything for the big fella
Not knowing things
I'm great
Let's play the blame game, I love you, more Let's play the blame game for sure Let's call out names, names, I hate you, more Let's call out names, names, for sure I'll call you ***** for short As a last resort, and my first result You call me mother***** for long At the end of it you know we both were wrong