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Uhm ... NoT to tell anyone exsept my bestii who I like !! :D
Personality Looks ;) Kissing sikils!! :D JOKE Personality They must be cute ;) Loveble
I don't say it.. If I have a mint or a chappy .. I give them that!! :D
Dunno... I think so!! :D
Do I like?? Who?? Christiaan??
EVERYTHING I totally love my mom!!!
Ek weni.. Wie dink jj?? :P *
Uhm... Bernice Sunelle Robyn Tayler Danielle
30 :p *
Uhm.. If people say my name with my crush's surname :P *
Celest en Suzanne
Hey my Bit**!! Ek ju ook gemis!! :( any way sien ju more :D awwh danki!!! Any way dankie v di aandjie was gr8!!!
Danielle Tayler Bernice Sunelle En ek nog BAIE meer!!
Well eks ni rrg bolnd ni ma glo my almal se ek mut weec!! Ander sou dit Ek gewees het ;) HeHe anders is dit uhm... Kani nu mooi dink ni ping my more op bbm en dan sal ek ju se !! :D
Ek!! HeHe
Hell yeahZ she's awesome!!
Nog nooit dit gese ni.. :| uhm.. Ja ek hou vn hulle??
Whole grade 7?? Uhm... I don't know every girl is pretty!!
Joh ek al bja!! Sunelle Ruan Christiaan Ulla Claudia Niall En nog bja
Ek het baie!!
Maybe!! :P *
Maybe , maybe not..!! *
Y0u 2!!!! :D
Niesa Chanel Sunelle (is my vrou) Tayler!!
No!!! I don't like her!! I LOVE her!! Cos its none of your beseguid!! Hahahahaha
I g0t 2 or 4 :p
Hell yeah!!! But can't tell!! :p
I g0t l0tS 0f bEsT frIenDs !! :D Dunn0 *
Uhm... Dunno?? Nd your???
Heya!!! My awesome B*FF* en mal moeder maatQ!!!! :D
Hell yeah!! But don't! U don't wanna ruin your friendship!!
UhMm... Ek WenI .. PING my op bbm??
WiE jYy?? *
HeYa unkN0wN ;) !!! Ek mAaK rEg viiR sK00L eJ??? *
HaHaHaHa!!! Well then.. You know me well bby!! :p *
Hoe lyk dit my ou.. Ek ken die Makerina!! How low can you gooo!!! :D
Hehhe Ja Tay ;;) *
I don't know...?*
Hahahaha awwh :') !!! J 00k my amazing sussta!!! Ur one in a minion!!! :p *g0nna mis ya 2!!
I g0t n0 idea.. But its reli n0t right..
Maybe maybe not!! :p *
N0pE !! :p *
HaHaHa Tay!!!! You do know !! :P and OMW!!! Me don't know :p
PING!!! My 0p bbM .. SaL j0u daLk se !! :p *
VaN wIe Ek h0u?? *
Ek weet.. :( Ek miiS hA wElL 0NS .. :'( *
... HEHE !! :P * DALK
Sys AwEs0mE!!!! :D *
MayBe maYbe n0t ;) *
Uhm.. S0mE0ne !! :P *
FrienDs 0r l0vE .. ?? *