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Definitely! :)
No one, everyone is either taken or not my type ahha
Game of thrones for sure
Tickles, food, sleep and neck kisses.
Really? That's weird, I have been talking to the same people as I did ages ago? And I don't ignore people? Who are you? :)
Oh anon, you're funny
Racist people or global warming.
I really have no idea, I actually don't mind her now days. But in science year 8 or 9 not sure, she was really rude, death staring and stuff. And then I moved on and didn't mind her as much, then she says all that? I dunno. Just pathetic people looking for something to ***** about
I want to through them at you mate
use to be so close to her in Dudley. She's changed abit but still a nice lovely girl to me :)
Well maybe I'm not a rude, judgmental person like you. It's my own business. I can like who I want. I don't judge people. And I'm happy liking him.
Super nice guy! And rate: 6
Busa, you are a really great guy! Really nice and so funny! Rate: 7 Cute with: Chloe cousins
A really nice dude
Shut up ****, started up a new account babe
Awh Thankyou so much! :)
My family and my girls