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hit me

77 Replies

What is your nickname ?

Keeks or stokesy

Katie.Stokes replied 3410 days ago

You are the most strongest and inspirational person given what you've gone through and to who you are today. You're my idol Katie

This is amazing! Love u

Katie.Stokes replied 3423 days ago

You're better off with out Leo. So many people love you now and you're unexplainably popular!!!

Thank you so much! I'm more than happy with out him, I still get down at the fact he spreads rumors and *****es about me all over Facebook, a bit immature but you get those people!!

Katie.Stokes replied 3423 days ago

Can we f uck

Look probably not

Katie.Stokes replied 3424 days ago

Do you have tumblr?

Tf no

Katie.Stokes replied 3424 days ago

What honest thoughts on Kristian Bruce

His an absolute star to have a convo with

Katie.Stokes replied 3424 days ago

Jacob shaw???

That kid is absolute perfection inside and out. Love him

Katie.Stokes replied 3425 days ago

is it true you had to live in a mental hospital because you developed depression and suicidle thoughts and tried to od numerous times because of what leo put you through? I feel so sorry for you!!!!!!

Not entirely fair on his behalf this is on the Internet. But yes this is true and it's still an on going problem but I got away from him and gained the right support and help and I'm very lucky to be alive after everything.

Katie.Stokes replied 3430 days ago

Messages that Leo sent u have gone around. He is so mean to you!!!!

oh wowwwee!! I was mean to him back tho

Katie.Stokes replied 3430 days ago

I can't believe Leo called u fat so many times that u just gave up eating coz u hated urself :/

haha i wasn't in a good mind set, it was my fault for hating myself too. where are you getting all this information from?

Katie.Stokes replied 3430 days ago

Is it true Leo Clough verbally and physically abused you? You're too good for that

My relationship with him was miserable

Katie.Stokes replied 3430 days ago

I'm so happy to hear you recovered so well after your ex bashing the **** out of you! Strong girly xxxxxx

Lol yey

Katie.Stokes replied 3430 days ago

When was the last time you cried and why ?

Pretty sure I cried at 7pm yesterday bc home and away is breakin my hear loml </3

Katie.Stokes replied 3431 days ago

why are you so Perf I don't get it

hunny bunny no such thing!!

Katie.Stokes replied 3432 days ago


hi hello

Katie.Stokes replied 3433 days ago