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Sparkles and glitter

1.1k Replies

Best compliment you have ever received ?

Colgate smile

Katie.prez replied 3377 days ago 3

Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?


Katie.prez replied 3458 days ago 1

Hey, omfg I dont think you rember me from Mackellar p.s x xox_taylor_xox

RITCHIE!! No of course I remember you!! Inbox me sometime omg

Katie.prez replied 3458 days ago

How much do you weigh?

???? dk

Katie.prez replied 3462 days ago

Thoughts? Xox Tylahhh

Babyyyyyy, love you so much, such a bold, beautiful girl and so glad we are growing closer x I can tell we'll be friends for a long time (:

Katie.prez replied 3462 days ago 1

What was your last dream about ?

omg so Dayle and I went to get our eyebrows pierced, but I was like, wtf am I doing here I don't want an eyebrow piercing! But Dayle thought it was still a good idea so she gets the piercing, and they ****ed it up so bad, it was a ring one, it was just sitting there on her forehead and I cried for her

Katie.prez replied 3466 days ago 6

Thoughts? Zakbutters7

aw Zak miss talking to you, funny as, sweet, attractive and need to talk again!

Katie.prez replied 3466 days ago

Thoughts xx Sashageo

Lil cutie

Katie.prez replied 3466 days ago

thoughtss? x Jessie.ball

you're absolutely gorgeous, you seem like one of those girls that when you hang around them, you have a better time! You seen fun and a girl with a beautiful personality and I'd love to get close, should chat x

Katie.prez replied 3469 days ago 1

Micaela called you a w.hore

She wouldn't

Katie.prez replied 3481 days ago

You do have the perfect smile

Thankyou (':

Katie.prez replied 3481 days ago 1

Smile AND everything else x Taran101


Katie.prez replied 3481 days ago 1

What is attractive about you?

Smile? (:

Katie.prez replied 3482 days ago 5

Thoughts? Andre_val02

ANDRE❤️ my bestfriend, you mean the world to me, you make the day heaps better, and when your not there, ask anyone, I always throw a tantrum. you're a beautiful, sweet, caring boy and I'm so glad that we're friends x lmao remember how when we first met I hated you )': Well, I absolutely love you x thank you for everything

Katie.prez replied 3483 days ago 1

Thoughts gorgeous xx Taran101

Great great friend, funniest kid, always manages to make me laugh and sweet sweet personality x always support me and I absolutely love you

Katie.prez replied 3484 days ago 1