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What the ****, How and why should i take it as a compliment???????????
This kid in kindergarten
Stephanie Narayan
It is okay Beautiful.
My wish is for somebody to trust me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
are you feeling okay
great wbu
One of the most Beautiful girl know, i love you and everything about you, i want us to stay friends forever if that is not to much to as, i love the way you laugh and the way you smile you are just perfect and you have to stop saying that you look like crap because you never ever ever look like crap no matter if you just got up or if you go into the bathroom and do your hair and put different clothes on you still look perfect. Love you girl. x0x
have not got a call back yet
Thnxs babe,that really makes my day beautiful. P.s I love you
I am Glad he likes somebody else and P.S. get a life
i am ot obsessed with anybody, i think your the one that is obsessed with my life and what i do and say. and may i ask why can't you ask these questions to my face dipS*^t
Why the hell does everybody say i like curmi, btw i don't, and anyway if that is all you spend your time worrying over then you have problems maybe you should go for a Psychiatry test you know it is the medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of MENTAL DISORDERS
who ever he wants.
Why the hell does everybody say i like curmi, btw i don't, and anyway if that is all you spend your time worrying over then you have problems maybe you should go for a Psychiatry test you know it is the medical specialty devoted to the study, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of MENTAL DISORDERS.
I would not change anything because if i changed something then they would not be my friend they would be a clone.
Why would u care???
Okay then what the **** do u want me to say!!
Beautiful, amazing, honest, perfect
Steph N
Why would I care if he likes somebody else, and if he is going to ask somebody out than good for him and that person I hope they have a happy relationship.
I do not know
Thanks that me feel really good
When somebody dies!!
Who are u????
what is your fathers nME
Do u have a life
Da **** are u I have hardly any 1D merch
Da **** are u
Really nice loves 1D has a good sense of hummor and lol
Steffi, Sarah, Annabel, Mary, Bri c