Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?
There hair
Moment your not proud of
Maybe lighting my hair on fire or or falling off a roof
Describe your life in 3 words
Very dumb ideas
leave Katie the heck alone she can do whatever she wants.in no way is she trying to copy me. also we didn't know we had a few of the same fiends, till wy after wed both gotten close with them. so I would really appreciate if you left her alone thanks xxx ebony.fawcett
Ty ebbyyy xx
Anon leave Katie the fu/ck alone she is a great girl and super pretty and doesn't need to hear about shi.t..so go do yourself a favour and go waste your time on somewhere else where we aren't apart of..love ya Katie keep your head up don't listen to them xx Taiah.Sloan
I will thanx tai xxx
Oh and everyone knows you r only being a vegetarian to copy ebony if you keep being her sheep you might actually turn into her I mean how low can you go from having to be friends with her friends to copying her clothing and subject what a freak
I actually really enjoy being a vegetarian eb did convince me a little bit but why would I go through like five months without meat to be a sheep and I had no idea whose ebs friends where till after I knew them
Your so ugly and fat everyone knows you only talk to the popular people so you become popular do you know everyone on the bus when you were gone was talking about you I got told by Ellie west they said you were such an annoying btch
Well I don't care what people think of my looks and as for trying to be popular I am friends with them because I have never thought of them as popular to me they are just really nice people and i trust Ellie to tell me if they did she is not the kind of person to tell other people stuff like that
U are definitely one of the coolest people I will miss u so much in french
Are you a selfish person ?
With food yessss !!
What activity always makes you lose track of time?
Hmmm I wonder
What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?
If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?
11 hahaha
Who was the last person to break your heart ?
Been hurt but not broken
*cough* every crush is a mistake *cough*
Who was your first crush ?
You mean my first mistake
Heard you where gettin in with fletcher Gallagher
Bahahahhaha fletcher g hahahha even the thought ewww ahah
Funny very sporty and a really nice person to talk to xxxx
If you were the last human on Earth, what would you still do every day?
R u going to ebs partay?
Idk am I eb?
What could you talk about forever?
I could just talk forever
U finally reactivated ?
Nahhhh not at all
A friend you once had a crush on ?
The person probs knows
Money or Loyalty ?
Loyalty definitely :)
A bad habit you think you will never get rid of ?
Haha me bad habits u wish
Do u care about popularity
Whats the thing you liked the most about your Ex ?
His name was Caspar the ghost
People you have caught up with these holidays?
iPhone,ipad and ipod users ,are you using IOS7 or IOS8 ?
IOS8 and its ****
R u a dancer?
No but being thinking bout being a cheerleader
Long thoughts on Fletcher Gallagher
Y would I want to have a long think about flitcher
Have u seen fast and furious 5
Yes almost cried cos Paul walker passed away
Last person you argued with and why ?
That Paul walkers brother isn't as good of a actor as Paul walker
are you going to ebony's party?
Maybe she might not have one tho
how do you know ebony?
We r cousins
ebony could help you get popular
Yeah probably but I have my own friendship
do you hang out in the quad
No I hang out the front
Do u play sport?
Atm I only play hockey
Thoughts on rose Allan?
She seems pretty snazzy would probs like to get to know her more
Hottest guys at CCB?
I ,myself, me ,Katie, moi
Best compliment you have ever received ?
Nice u got the mascara on my lips- blind makeover with holly
Are you having a party with ebony?
Yeah no
What gives you peace?
What do you spend your money on the most ?
Best thing on camp?
Do u have a crush on ebony?
Totally anon hahaha
What is the biggest frustration you’re facing now?
I can't rememeber wat day it is
id be my favourite cousin too ;) ebony.fawcett
Thanks for the support
Fav cozin?
Idk definitely wouldn't be ebony... Jk
well now I am just beautiful hjahahahhahahah ebony.fawcett
Hahah it's gonna stay like that for a fair while
whos that ugly chick in your profile pic? ew ebony.fawcett
Ya know i think it's me I'll change it for u
Worst thing on camp?
Being beaten an table tennis
Who's ur crush?
Me myself and I +holly black
R u gonna have a party?
Idk maybe
Wat days ur bday?
23rd of June
What one thing do you want the other person to do that would fix things between you?
Speak to me more
What's your fav quote?
Idk cbf
R u jealous of ebony?
Ebony who? Idk an Ebony
Who do you envy and why ?
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
Favourite age you've been so far and why ?
12 cos no one cared what i did
awkward moment when I haven't even 'cut' for months.. and pre sure a **** is someone who sleeps w a lot of people, and as far as I can remember I haven't even slept w one? take it off anon, I dare you. :) ebony.fawcett
Yeah I think anon has a death wish
U know your cozin cuts and now that u moved your gonna end up like that s.lut and start cutting to
Anon **** off you **** don't ever talk to me about my cousin like that and take it off damn anon cos your just a whining ***** if you don't have the guts to say it to me in person then don't ****ing ask
Who told you they loved you last
My parents
Imi, your on of the funniest people I've met and are really pretty
Fav person from each house?
CH- Kate connie piper lileigh and pan MY-idk MK-Hannah shay-lee VT- ebony JR-Imogen BK-idk sorry if I forgot anyone
A body part you think you could do without ?
My face its ugly anyway haha
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
are you ebonys cozin
Yes even tho we don't look alike
Your funny and you keep my cousin happy
gorgeous, lovely and huggable
oh baby baby
hey baby baby
The last thing you bought ?