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Katie Young


Ask me anything

77 Replies

Whats your favourite feature on the opposite $ex?

There hair

Katie_young replied 3492 days ago

Moment your not proud of

Maybe lighting my hair on fire or or falling off a roof

Katie_young replied 3493 days ago

Describe your life in 3 words

Very dumb ideas

Katie_young replied 3517 days ago

leave Katie the heck alone she can do whatever she no way is she trying to copy me. also we didn't know we had a few of the same fiends, till wy after wed both gotten close with them. so I would really appreciate if you left her alone thanks xxx ebony.fawcett

Ty ebbyyy xx

Katie_young replied 3517 days ago 2

Anon leave Katie the fu/ck alone she is a great girl and super pretty and doesn't need to hear about go do yourself a favour and go waste your time on somewhere else where we aren't apart ya Katie keep your head up don't listen to them xx Taiah.Sloan

I will thanx tai xxx

Katie_young replied 3517 days ago 2

Oh and everyone knows you r only being a vegetarian to copy ebony if you keep being her sheep you might actually turn into her I mean how low can you go from having to be friends with her friends to copying her clothing and subject what a freak

I actually really enjoy being a vegetarian eb did convince me a little bit but why would I go through like five months without meat to be a sheep and I had no idea whose ebs friends where till after I knew them

Katie_young replied 3517 days ago

Your so ugly and fat everyone knows you only talk to the popular people so you become popular do you know everyone on the bus when you were gone was talking about you I got told by Ellie west they said you were such an annoying btch

Well I don't care what people think of my looks and as for trying to be popular I am friends with them because I have never thought of them as popular to me they are just really nice people and i trust Ellie to tell me if they did she is not the kind of person to tell other people stuff like that

Katie_young replied 3517 days ago 1

thoughts? :) xx Ajok_deng

U are definitely one of the coolest people I will miss u so much in french

Katie_young replied 3550 days ago 1

Are you a selfish person ?

With food yessss !!

Katie_young replied 3553 days ago

What activity always makes you lose track of time?

Hmmm I wonder

Katie_young replied 3560 days ago

What is the longest you have gone without taking a bath?


Katie_young replied 3572 days ago

If you had to get Married at the age made up by the last two Digits of your phone number How old would u be?

11 hahaha

Katie_young replied 3575 days ago

Who was the last person to break your heart ?

Been hurt but not broken

Katie_young replied 3577 days ago 1

I wasn't a mistake :(( ebony.fawcett

*cough* every crush is a mistake *cough*

Katie_young replied 3579 days ago 2

Who was your first crush ?

You mean my first mistake

Katie_young replied 3579 days ago 2