Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I don't know sorry
Emma you seem really nice, good at aerobics and we should talk more x
Thanksss :) :)
Sorry haha
Goo? Thanks xx?
I did in grade one but I bet he wouldn't even remember
Not giving it to some random on this sorry
Don't have a boyfriend so no one to loose
Probably just the presses, I'm not good at them haha
Aww thanks so much x
Can't choose one x
Thank you xxx
Probs Aiden haha
Oh sorry
No way, thank youuuu xxx
Really? Thanks so much x
Aww baby :( xxx see me
Hahahaah I'm not
Haha no no but thanks x
Joel lied haha sorry Joel
Why would I know? Ask him haha
10 obviously, jks
What do you mean? I'm myself or a guy or what?
Hopefully next iPhone that comes out
I'm not saying on this, sorry
Don't watch it
Defiantly in person
What was?
Mm probably Joel but idk
Yeah probably
Slimy fish in Hawaii
Lol idk hahahahaAh
Thanks ily my toes x
Haha who is this? Thanks x
No you don't, coz I don't like anyone haha xx
That's probably true
Love you too
Thank you xx
Lol can't say
Ew haha
Can you what? Haha
His name?
If you want
Not quite sure yet, sorry x
Haha :)
Text me and stuff. And make an effort to see me in person don't just stay behind the screen :)
I've posted like one photo but were just good friends xx
Advanced jazz, senior musical Theater, advanced contemporary
Love you too xxx
ELISE - nice and really pretty. TESSA - funny, seems nice and so pretty. GEORGIA - love, cute, hilarious, nice, pretty. SARAH - miss being is her class, nice and really pretty. ABBY - best, nice, funny as, pretty. SARSHA - not how you spell her last name, one of best friends, love, fast, funny, pretty. GRACE - pro compass user, pretty and funny as, MORGS - so funny, nice, pretty, fun xxx
Who asked this? JOEL - really nice and good to talk to, cute. SAMUEL - don't know well, seems nice and good looking. LOUIE - was funny, seems really nice. TOM - went to kinder with, seemed nice, really good looking. NICK - did aths together ages ago but didn't really know each other, good looking. CAMPBELL - good pranker, nice, funny, cute. LIAM - don't know well, was nice, hot. HENRY - don't know, good looking
Haha nah. Come over then x
Wait till Saturday day maybe
Hahahaha thanks
Oh ahha I don't really, she did a few of my blood tests and she mates mum so yeah
I guess, why does it matter to you?
Yeah, Why is that lucky?
Thank you so much x
Haha idk
Yeah why?
Idk haha
Come up and talk to me when we're on the bus together xx
Can't choose, loved coaching them all xx
Boost juice is life
It doesn't matter what you think of those people but nobody deserves to be treated rudely, be nice xx
I'm not haha xxx
Lol it's not that easy
Haha nah. Just direct message me on insta and I'll give you my number or something
Thank you, yeah it's been a few days and I just want it to go away :( xx
Haha yeah they all made me happy. Haha idk maybe Maddy coz she got me water. Nah but everyone was babes xx
I left in the morning I don't think I really saw her. I bet she didn't though
Lol I made it once but nah I deleted it after having it for like a day, sorry