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I don't have any art books lol sorry :)
We have 1 rest day, depending on how late we finish work then it could be 2, so every other night besides 1 maybe 2 of them
Only 1 major fight, we just bicker sometimes other than that because we're pathetically stubborn ?
I work at cellarbrations, and she works at a fish and chips and a Caltex ?
Wanting to go to Caloundra, have some fish and chips there on the beach if we have time!
Thank you loads ❤️ We appreciate that!
3 months, but really it should've been 5 ;p
I'm hoping if I get a passport soon enough we can go back to New Zealand so she can show me the beauty, by the end of the year though
I drive the most haha, she never really has a turn unless I'm bored of it or can't be bothered :')
id say pretty equal now!
celine cause she's a stripper
We have plans!
We try to make the most of our days/weekends, memories ?
Fitness matters, jimmy!
The friendship with Cam mostly, but there's so many people I miss
I miss a few, but no one bothers with me anymore :((
With food :D
I am the happiest I have been in almost forever, thank you :) x
Whoever i have fallen for or will fall for
There's more than 5! Cameron, Stuart, James, Jamaeka, Chelsi, Immy, Pia, Luke, Alex, Perri, Sean, Sophia, Cez, maybe my fav Pom Alex, Taylor, Tayla, Emerald, Chris, Shannon, Josh, Cams Fam, Chloe, Adem, Wade, Kenny, Georgie, Elissa, Demi, Ryan, Renae, Cody, Sam, Joel, Courtney, Chloe, Zoe, Taylor, And there's probably others. Xoxoxx I love you allz
There's like 2 Alex's you could refer to, and there's nothing between myself and either of them. So, bye. :)
Is this Sam? Hunny I don't sleep around like you :)
Beaudesert, yeah :)
"Tuning" really? No, I'm not "tuning" her.
Why not have both
SOZ. And georgie.
I actually don't talk to many boys, Boys: Cameron Jansz, Cody Marsh, Chris Clarke and Wade Delehaye. Girls: Alex Beswick, Renae Hand, taylor Mcmullan and Immy Hunt <3
renae! I love u
My boòbs actually aren't out in any, maybe you should inbox me the ones that are? Hunny jealously doesn't look good.. And this really is the perfect example! Haha! I love it! And I don't get hate on this, so it's alright, thank-you anyway ;p
Actually, I spend 30hours or more a week at school getting an education, along side that, im with the greatest friends I could ask for, and iv lived here for 2 months, so what am I supposed to do when im coping with year 12, when I haven't even studied year 11, overwhelmed with a new environment, my question for you, is do you have a life outside sending people hate? LOL
Im pîssed off, people, pïss me off.
" fück off "
Um no
Awh this is so so sweet, thankyou, inbox me? :)
I don't care about them HAHAH that's disgusting anways.
We aren't "together" but we know what we both want, so no not yet.
That's bit cute
1 guy.
I love you to! I think I know who this is? :p
I have a few people in mind? Just message me -.-
It would have to be... i :p
Inbox me, and we can catch up soon, he was so not worth losing the friendships that I did, I probably miss you :( xx
My favorite position is 9. Thats me, Curled up in my bed. Alone. Crying.
Hehe :)
They wouldn't have sent it around.. The person is to selfish, which Im thankful for.
Dunno really
Thankyou, Ofcourse we can! Are you in Melbourne or Queensland? :)
Yes my middle name is ADELL, my first name is just Kayla. Thankyou for your concern :)
If im honest, Im probably not going to remember my birthday..
Whoever the people are that I know I'm spending my birthday with, those are the people I'll proceed to see throughout the whole time I'm down. :)
In 3 weeks time, I will be :)
Yes I have.
Oh right :)
Dunno, is it?
Why don't we meet then silly?
Yeah niqqas. <3
It's none of your buisness to give an input, :)
Georgie. Perri. Sean. Kaity. Soph. Cez. Taylor. Stuart. James. Alex. Big Brown. Kads. Imojen. Pia. Luke. Zoe. Tayla. Jamaeka. Allison. Chelsi. Andy. Jasmine. Kellie. Ash. Shazza. Cam. And a few more..
She knows who she is.
They don't have a "worst" letter in their name :p
Thankyou lots! <3
Nothing, he knows we are friends.
Big brown doez xP
Kay, kaylucks. Or according to Big Brown, ktown,
Georgie, and anyone who's actually bothered with me ok cool
I don't see why not? We've never actually had reasons not to be, she's lovely and cops way to much shît from people, she doesn't deserve it nor does she need it!
Lare March over holidays :)
I love her
Aw, Hit me up when I'm down x
I wish i was :3
Why thankyOu x
Hahah aw but sorry, I'm not that kind of gal :p
Hahaha Omg the people have spoken
Mahahaha aw dayum ;)
Aw don't be worried, it's just raining at the moment, it shouldn't get as far as where I am.. Hopefully :)
Did u get this off my Instagram u cutie
I love it! I miss playing :'(
Can take the girl out of Melbourne, but can't take the Melbourne out of the girl, and ill be visiting next month and the month after! Only for a shirt time though, I miss everyone :(
How do u no it's a she? ;) nah but nah I'll openly say I like georgie haha
Aw good Im glad hunny!
Hello, by like, 11:00 I had enough of everyone! So much drama... How was your day? :)
No opinion really, just hope she's making walker happy and setting him in the right direction, and she's pretty, suits n Any hair colour, or hair style, clumsiest drunk but
Um no ? I don't even live in the same state as him ? :$