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Who have I called ugly ? I don't think I'm pretty lol ?
Yep for like the 10th time. Everyway of apologising shes tried except to my face.
You obviously have no idea what this is about..
I don't at all. I actually hate many things about myself. Not sure how you got that vibe..
Hahahaha! she's f***ing persistent I tell you that!
Oh wow. I did not think this was you at all! How did you find me ?! And I'm sorry but Im always going to have something against you. You had me in tears for days! And I never ever cry! That is something I will not forgive. I respect that your trying though but it's too late for that.
I think I know who this is. See some of the girls knew he was with me and did it anyway. Some girls inboxed me from his account being a complete Bit**, some girls still wanted to talk to him once we had both told them to f*** off, some girls did mean to hurt me but some didn't. Try being in my shoes, being with someone for 3 years who you absolutely adored and loved with all your heart and then have some chick come along and ruin things. Im not the person to hold a grudge but the one thing I can hold a grudge against is whover f***ed with our relationship. If this is who I think it is you actually didn't really do anything to me and I do agree that darcy did lead you on and then f***ed you off, but you would be the only one that I would actually forgive.
We were going to come then leave early :) inbox me!
Ooooh! I'm not sure if I'm going to that yet because I have something else on the same night. Whose this ? Inbox me :)
Yes 8 times.. But I was stupid to forgive him every time. I now realise I do but he was never like that if you knew him a good year ago you would think the same. Everything he does now he thought it was disgusting and said he would never be like that. I honestly don't think i could I could be comfortable around someone again and trust them, so I'm not really on the hunt, I'm happy by myself but thank you, it means a lot :) xo
Yes I will be :) Why are you asking ?
hahahaha! What a set up. I know what I'm doing but can't say :)
Harley hoffmeier ? If he was with Harley that means this happened over a year ago because they don't talk anymore which means he cheated on me, so that makes it 8 times that he has now. I know i do, it's still hard hearing about this shi* though.
He always does. He just wants a root and boot and obviously only chat slu*s do that. How do you know that he did anyway ?
I hope he has aids!
Yes because I'm obese is that it ? Lol get over yourself!
Well I don't try to look perfect so I don't really care? If you have that much of a problem with it say it to my face then maybe I can point out your flaws.
Funny you say that actually I hardly have any regrowth.. The top just fades and the colour I use has a red tinge I like it :) so f*** off ?
Thank you haha :)
I think they are all lovely ladies which I have had great nights with :) Rhi and Trina are 2 of my best mates as well :)
Hahaha maccas is goood! <3
You can't spell. No OFFENCE!
Do you think I give 2 f***s! I'm not the skiniest person but I'm happy with my body and thats all that matters, I would like to loose weight but if I don't I don't really care.. I love food and that's why im always at maccas. I wonder how many times you go there babe?!
Hey junkie ;)
Hahaha she's Hectickkkkk ;) nah I love Kahlia! I miss her heaps as I don't see her much anymore :(
I used to.. But we are all sweet now. How about Inboxing me if you think you know my feelings towards her ?
This is very immature of you actually. We have had our differences but have gotten through them, maybe you should do the same or say this to her face ?
Occasionally. Whys this ?
That's not a very nice way to put it but even so non of your business. If you are that desperate to know, inbox me :)
I like a meat pie with sauce :)
Lol who's this ?
Sometimes I'm serious :)
Aww who's this ? Inbox me :)
Thank you so much! :)
You can still say your name haha? I guess that's your opinion, but do you honestly think your much better going out of your way to say you hate me ?
Hey, none of your business.
I don't know Emily Kendal
Amy hauser I think is really nice, I've been out with her a few times and she's always fun :)
Elley Mensa is stunning and also a lovely person
I don't know samantha varnam
I think I've heard of Georgia timms but I don't know her personally
I love tess, she is absolutely hilarious! Always fun to be around
Morgan bevan is the biggest cutie!
Haha I know my laugh is annoying :/ and I actually don't at all, but you can't be much better having a Bit** about me while on anonymous hey ?
Aww you seem like a cutie! Thank you so much :) <3 Why on anonymous though ?
I know :( I'm not sure if this is a compliment or not ? Haha
This is a question for google
Adrian, brad, lotion, Ryan all those boys I find really nice :))
Just inbox, I honestly wouldnt find it creepy :)
Are we friends ? I wouldn't find it creepy haha :) I find it creepy people asking on anon because I have no idea who this is :/
Inbox me and I'll tell you.
Haha, umm I honestly don't know. I don't really mind
I'm a v
We fight a lot so we don't live together, we have started to grow closer recently though :)
Hahaha, trust you to say something like that ;) obviously you've given up on homework ? Haha
Loud, happy, carefree
Single life! <3
Not sure..